1. Download the Chart workbook from Google Classroom.
2. Insert a Line chart into our practice Word document.
3. Open our Chart workbook in Excel. Copy the data and paste it into the chart's spreadsheet.
4. Change the chart title to Monthly Sales.
5. Change the chart type to Stacked Column.
6. Double-click the axis title, then rename it Sale Profits.
Extracted text: Jan March $2,025 $2,394 $3,008 $998 $1,853 April $1,996 $2,761 $3,117 $872 $1,452 May $2,251 Feb June Classics Romance Sci-Fi Fantasy$3,051 Mystery Young Adult $1,625 $2,391 $2,073 $2,689 $2,999 $1,554 $2,068 $2,413 $3,012 $4,125 $1,239 $1,982 $3,202 $3,317 $1,009 $1,451 $1,187 $2,455