I've sent you the guildline pdf and also the format in which research report must be created. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE REPORT MUST INCLUDE ATLEAST FOUR GRAPHS ON THE DATA. The graphs must be included in the DISCUSSIONS AND ANALYTICS HEADING which you can find in the report format.
Step 1: Choose a data from kaggle website link provided in the student guideline pdf. Make sure the data you select must have atleast 50 rows.
Step 2: Make a research report on the data with 1500 words and follow the report format pdf to prepare the research report which i've sent you. Please ensure you prepare atleast 4graphs on the data(Like the highest and lowest points. Example: X axis - Years, y axis - Temperature in the particular year)and include in discussions and analytics heading.
Step 3: After preparing the report.. Please create a user account on my name in "colab research google" link provided in the student guideline pdf and type in a simple python codes to link the data to the code. Example: Type code to open the peak temperature year. Take a screenshots of the code and include the screenshots in the report creating a new heading name "Appendix".
Thats all. I hope you get what i said if not please call i'll explain you. I've sent two documents student guideline pdf and research report format.
Title of your report Your name, your id Course name, Assignment … VIT address Supervisor/Lecturer name Abstract A very brief summary of 5-10 lines, what analytics you are doing here, steps and so on. 1 2 Introduction O verviw of project you are doing. This is kind of introduction and literature review of the report. When someone read only this part, should understand what you are going to do in next section and the motivation and why someone spends time to read your report. You should also talk about the data and steps in brief. I expect a page of writing for summary. You can do some literature review from internet and use them here. I expect at least the following sections after this: 1) Discussion, 2) Conclusion, 3) Reference and 4) Appendix for your code. The below is only a template. Remove the text and type your own discussion and graphs. In reference section, you might have references. Discussion and Analytics Your discussion and your graphs all should be here. Graphs need to be labeled, e.g. Fig 1, and discussed inside the context. Put label below the figure and discuss them inside the text. At least 4-6 plots. Plots should be the results of your python code. Conclusion You need to conclude your results and give recommendation. Recommendations and so on. Acknowledgment If someone helped you in preparing and implementing python code, you should acknowledge him/her here.. References Reference 1. Reference 2 Reference 3. Reference 4. Reference 5. Appendix: Python Implementation Copy or type your python code here. Make sure it is enough clear to follow. When I implement your code, I should get the same results.