IV. Erih Erihson's Stages of Psychosocial Development Approximate Age Crisis Stage Infancy (1" year) Toddler (2d year) Pre-schooler Trust vs. Mistrust Autonomy vs. shame & doubt Initiative vs. guilt...

IV. Erih Erihson's Stages of Psychosocial Development<br>Approximate Age<br>Crisis Stage<br>Infancy<br>(1

Extracted text: IV. Erih Erihson's Stages of Psychosocial Development Approximate Age Crisis Stage Infancy (1" year) Toddler (2d year) Pre-schooler Trust vs. Mistrust Autonomy vs. shame & doubt Initiative vs. guilt (3 to 5 years) Elementary School (6 years to puberty) Adolescence (Teen years to adulthood) Young Adulthood (20's to early 40's) Middle Adulthood Competence vs. inferiority Identity vs. role confusion Intimacy vs. isolation Generativity vs. stagnation (40's to 60's) Late Adulthood Integrity vs. despair (Late 60's and up)
1.<br>According to Erickson, the task of adolescence is to develop a clear sense of self, or<br>2.<br>Erickson sees this development as a prerequisite for the development of_<br>young adulthood.<br>Identify the psychosocial stage that Erickson would say is most responsible for the following crisis:<br>3.<br>Sixteen-year-old Faith questions her parent's values but does not fully accept her friends' standards either.<br>Her confusion about what she really wants and valucs in life suggests that she is struggling with the<br>problem of<br>4.<br>Kevin is the class clown in school, a serious intellectual with his girlfriend, and a defiantly angry young<br>man with his parents. Erickson would most likely suggest that his behavior<br>illustrates the<br>of adolescence.<br>Marley is hesitant about applying for college even though acceptance is likely. She feels the work is too<br>hard and she'll make a fool of herself.<br>5.<br>6.<br>Gamalier can't maintain a lasting relationship. People seem to intrude and require compromises.<br>Leslie can't keep a friend for more than a month. Each time she gets close, she seeks excessive reassurance<br>and continuing guarantees.<br>7.<br>Caleb continues to ruminate over the value of life. His wife has died and the children are on their own.<br>Retirement isn't a blessing because he feels so alone.<br>8.<br>9.<br>Precious is reluctant to apply for a promotion even though the boss has urged her to do so. She feels too<br>guilty about the ill will and dark fantasies she experiences toward the company and the people that work<br>within it.<br>After 15 years, Luna is struggling to report to work on time. She does the same thing everyday and feels it<br>is a waste of time.<br>10.<br>1.<br>Nashali, age 16, is worried about attending the senior beach party with her boyfriend. He's never seen her<br>in a bathing suit, and his friends may find her childish.<br>

Extracted text: 1. According to Erickson, the task of adolescence is to develop a clear sense of self, or 2. Erickson sees this development as a prerequisite for the development of_ young adulthood. Identify the psychosocial stage that Erickson would say is most responsible for the following crisis: 3. Sixteen-year-old Faith questions her parent's values but does not fully accept her friends' standards either. Her confusion about what she really wants and valucs in life suggests that she is struggling with the problem of 4. Kevin is the class clown in school, a serious intellectual with his girlfriend, and a defiantly angry young man with his parents. Erickson would most likely suggest that his behavior illustrates the of adolescence. Marley is hesitant about applying for college even though acceptance is likely. She feels the work is too hard and she'll make a fool of herself. 5. 6. Gamalier can't maintain a lasting relationship. People seem to intrude and require compromises. Leslie can't keep a friend for more than a month. Each time she gets close, she seeks excessive reassurance and continuing guarantees. 7. Caleb continues to ruminate over the value of life. His wife has died and the children are on their own. Retirement isn't a blessing because he feels so alone. 8. 9. Precious is reluctant to apply for a promotion even though the boss has urged her to do so. She feels too guilty about the ill will and dark fantasies she experiences toward the company and the people that work within it. After 15 years, Luna is struggling to report to work on time. She does the same thing everyday and feels it is a waste of time. 10. 1. Nashali, age 16, is worried about attending the senior beach party with her boyfriend. He's never seen her in a bathing suit, and his friends may find her childish.
Jun 07, 2022

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