Its in continuation with order number 611769.It was supposed to be 2000 words.Word limit: 2000 words Value: 40% Presentation requirements: Your assignment should be submitted In the Assignment Drop Box for ‘ AT3 Written Assignment’ on the NUR2007 Moodle site; It should be written in a scholarly voice; Must be fully referenced; Refencing must comply with APA 6th referencing guidelines; It should be typed using a 12 point font; double-spaced; the pages numbered; Your student identification number (ID) must appear in a header or footer in the following format NUR2007_AT3_XXXXXX; Do not include your name on your assignment; Do not include a cover sheet or title sheet; The file must be saved in a word doc or docx format only and it cannot be locked. Estimated return date: Monday 16th October 2017 by 1700 hrs Hurdle requirements (where applicable): This is a hurdle task. Individual assessment in group tasks (where applicable): N/A Criteria for marking: Marking Guide/Rubric for NUR2007 – Task 3 Essay Student name: MarkerSubmitted on time overdue Extension evidence: Y N No. days overdue without extension: Deduction (10% per day) Total mark % /40 Grade N P C D HD Level 3: Students research independently; closed inquiry Poor N Satisfactory P Good C Very good D Excellent HD Locate, evaluate and select appropriate literature [Generate/evaluate] 15% /6 Inadequate number of acceptable sources Fewer than half the cited sources are from peer-reviewed journals Sources lack relevance to the topic All sources acceptable, and adequate in number More than half are from peer-reviewed journals Some sources off topic. Three quarters of sources from peer-reviewed journals Sources mainly relate to topic Appropriate number of academic sources, mainly primary, peer-reviewed articles Relevance to the topic mainly clear Appropriate number of academic sources, almost all primary, peer-reviewed articles All sources have clear relevance to the topic. Introduction [Embark on inquiry] 5% /2 No introduction or Introduction is rambling and unfocused or Introduction is incomplete Introduction too long or too short. Some material in introduction belongs in main essay Focus and/or scope unclear Introduction states the topic Scope & context of paper could be clearer. Appropriate length Interesting introduction to topic. Scope & context of paper clearly defined. The big-picture context of the essay is clear Key ideas are introduced and defined Content of essay sign-posted. Captures reader’s attention. Body Comprehensive knowledge of the topic. Logical and persuasive argument and integration of learning. [Synthesise, analyse, apply] 50% /20 Does not clearly relate to the required topic, Very general information with no evidence of research into the topic No analysis of information presented, only description. Little or no evidence to relate information to literature in this section. Information is mostly listed rather than synthesised (each paragraph focuses on a single reference) Limited, basic analysis of information is provided Strategies are generic or have no evidence of effectiveness. Some attempt to synthesise information Reasonable attempt to analyse information but key points missing Relation to topic mainly clear. Good attempt to synthesise information within paragraphs Good attempt to analyse information, most points included Strategies are mainly practical and justified Clearly relates to the topic, Information from various sources is synthesised effectively within paragraphs. Information is critically analysed, with identification of strengths, weaknesses and limitations of existing and proposed strategies. Strategies are well considered, practical, justified. Conclusion and recommendations [Synthesise, analyse, apply] 10% /4 No conclusion is given or Conclusion paragraph continues the essay rather than concluding it or Conclusion provides no evidence of research. No recommendations. An attempt has been made to summarise the information in the essay, but it is missing key points, or leaves the reader confused as to the direction the student was taking, or presents new information Conclusion is grounded in the ideas raised in the main body. Conclusion demonstrates good development shown in the summary of key points and ideas that were included in the body of the essay and based on the literature cited. A clear, concise conclusion is presented which sums up the focus question, key points from the student’s answer, and contextualises this information. Structure [Organise] 5% /2 The essay has no clear sections or themes. Paragraph delineation is arbitrary and does not contribute to the readability of the essay. Ideas are repeated, with only basic description of ideas flowing into one another. The essay has an overall structure, with clear themes, but paragraphs often discuss multiple ideas or describe only one piece of evidence at a time leading to a ‘list’ feel. A few attempts are made to use topic sentences, linking sentences or signposting. Reasonable attempt to structure the literature review, most paragraphs focused and synthesising information Fair attempt to use topic sentences, linking sentences or signposting. Well-presented and organised Each paragraph has a clear focus and synthesises information from multiple sources. Good attempt to use topic sentences, linking sentences or signposting The essay is structured in well-formed, focused paragraphs and sections. Topic sentences, linking sentences and signposting are appropriately used to help the reader navigate the material and create flow. Reference placement and formatting [Organise] 10% /4 No references are present or No in-text citations are present or Some attempt at referencing but major errors prevent the reader from locating the original sources In-text citations and reference list are included; formatting is clearly inconsistent with APA 6th guidelines, but generally sufficient to allow the reader to locate the original articles. Some sections of text are significantly over- or under-referenced. Frequent errors in formatting Good attempt to include in-text citations at appropriate places Minor errors in formatting of in-text citations or reference list A strong attempt has been made to include in-text citations at appropriate places. Reference and citation formatting are mostly/completely consistent with APA 6th guidelines Academic writing [Communicate] 5% /2 Tone is informal; Meaning often unclear; Numerous grammatical, spelling or typographical errors. Jargon/technical terms are overused and undefined, suggesting limited understanding of the concepts. Work is significantly over or under the word count. There is an over-reliance on quoted information suggesting a focus on words rather than ideas. Meaning apparent but language not always fluent Attempt at academic tone Jargon and technical terms are mostly used appropriately, with a few undefined or overused phrases. Work is within 20% of the word count There is some quoting of information when paraphrasing of the key ideas would have been more appropriate Reasonably easy to follow and understand Academic tone achieved some of the time Grammar, spelling and punctuation mainly accurate Minimal quoting of information; most ideas expressed in student’s own words The essay is mainly easy to follow and understand. Tone mostly formal Minor grammatical, spelling or typographical errors Work is within 10% of the word count There is no quoting of information – all ideas are expressed in the student’s own words. The essay is easy to follow and understand and is written in formal, clear English with minimal grammatical, spelling or typographical errors. Jargon and technical terms are defined and used appropriately throughout.