Item 2: Literature Review (45%) This literature review should be a comprehensive description and analysis of all the current and existing research on your chosen topic (Socio-Economic Aspect in Youth...

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Item 2: Literature Review (45%)

This literature review should be a comprehensive description and analysis of all the current and existing research on your chosen topic (Socio-Economic Aspect in Youth with Disability in South Asian Countries). It should also include your research topic, abstract, methods used, results of findings and conclusion. You may use charts, diagrams, tables etc as necessary.

Word Count: Minimum 4,000 words. Maximum 10,000 words.

Answered 6 days AfterMar 24, 2021

Answer To: Item 2: Literature Review (45%) This literature review should be a comprehensive description and...

Kshama answered on Mar 31 2021
142 Votes
Running Head: Socio-Economic Aspect in Youth With Disability in South Asian Countries                                                1
Socio-Economic Aspect in Youth With Disability in South Asian Countries         5
Table of Contents
Abstract    4
Research Topic    4
Literature Review    4
PAPER I: Kayama, M., Johnstone, C., & Limaye, S. (2019). Adjusting the “self” in social interaction: Disability and stigmatization in India. Children and Youth Services Review, 96, 463-474.    4
PAPER II: Bright, T., & Kuper, H. (2018). A systematic review of access to general healthcare services for people with disabilities in low and middle income countries. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(9), 1879    6
PAPER III: Gudlavalleti, V. S. M. (2018). Challenges in accessing health care for people with disability in the south Asian context: a review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(11), 2366.    7
PAPER IV: Walsham, M., Kuper, H., Banks, L. M., & Blanchet, K. (2019). Social protection for people with disabilities in Africa and Asia: a review of programmes for low-and middle-income countries. Oxford Development Studies, 47(1), 97-112.    9
PAPER V: Nasir, M. N. A. (2020). The socio-economic situation of disabled persons in Malaysia. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 23(1), 74-82.    10
PAPER VI: Ranjan, J. K., & Asthana, H. S. (2017). Prevalence of mental disorders in India and other South Asian countries. Asian J Epidemiol, 10(2), 45-53.    11
PAPER VII: Hossain, M., Purohit, N., Sultana, A., Ma,
P., McKyer, E. L. J., & Ahmed, H. U. (2020). Prevalence of mental disorders in South Asia: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Asian journal of psychiatry, 102041.    13
PAPER VIII: Rathod, S., Pinninti, N., Irfan, M., Gorczynski, P., Rathod, P., Gega, L., & Naeem, F. (2017). Mental health service provision in low-and middle-income countries. Health services insights, 10, 1178632917694350. Sandison, P. (2003). Desk review of real-time evaluation experience. New York: UNICEF.    14
PAPER IX: Sundar, V., O’Neill, J., Houtenville, A. J., Phillips, K. G., Keirns, T., Smith, A., & Katz, E. E. (2018). Striving to work and overcoming barriers: Employment strategies and successes of people with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 48(1), 93-109.    16
PAPER X: Higashida, M. (2017). The relationship between the community participation of disabled youth and socioeconomic factors: mixed-methods approach in rural Sri Lanka. Disability & Society, 32(8), 1239-1262.    18
Methods Used    19
Results and Findings    21
Understanding the disabilities in Asia    21
Socio-economics of disabilities in Asia    22
Economics and disability    22
Disabled in south Asian countries    23
Disability and mental health    23
Conclusion    24
References    26
Appendix    29
    This present study focuses on the social and economical aspects of the youth with some kind of disabilities. Various papers were searched to find the information on this topic using the appropriate keywords which ranged from the understanding the disability to economical and social aspects. The literature review gave a picture of the condition of the people with disabilities. It can be said that much attention and active steps are needed for related improvement.
Research Topic
    The topic of research is socio-economic aspect in youth with disability in south Asian countries mainly focuses on the social and economical aspects of youth with disabilities in the countries located in the region of south Asia. Most countries in this region are in the category of developing counties and face various economic and political issues internally. The study would bring highlights of the situation of people with disabilities and the various factors in the socio-economic aspect by adopting the literature review method.
Literature Review
PAPER I: Kayama, M., Johnstone, C., & Limaye, S. (2019). Adjusting the “self” in social interaction: Disability and stigmatization in India. Children and Youth Services Review, 96, 463-474.
This qualitative study by Kayama, Johnstone, & Limaye (2019), brings forward the experiences of youth with disabilities in India as they enter adulthood and explores stigmatization in regular interactions. The authors have presented their findings of the challenges of disability and social status by conducting interviews in various social contexts, including work, school and home. All participants with their multiple narratives shared their experiences of adjusting self and the disabilities. The overall results indicated that they adjusted to fit and accepted with various social contexts and social interaction at their homes, schools and work place. They all faced similar stigmatization with others in the community, irrespective of the age of onset and types of disability, place rural/urban, socioeconomic condition and education or employment status.
    The study has many strengths like it has considered the qualitative method for collecting information. According to Rahman (2020), this is the best tools to obtain descriptive information which is very relevant in this kind of study where the objective is to find the challenges and difficulties faced by the participants with disabilities. The detailed information which was received from the participants gave a clearer picture of the kind of stigmatisation they faced at the social platforms. Another strength of this study that the participants belonged to different backgrounds which when studied comparatively gave an overall insight of the social standing irrespective of their backgrounds.
This study has few weaknesses. This study has relied on cross-sectional interview data which according to Adhabi & Anozie (2017), may limit the understandings of the people participating in the study. Deeper information could have been obtained by conducting subsequent follow up interviews with further questioning specifically about the adjustments of responses and attitudes in other social contexts, like that of the community and public facilities. Further, the sample size of the comparative case studies was small. Apart from this the participants did not know that the research was conducted by researchers from university and were not familiar to provide details of their experiences. Another weakness is that the study focused only on visual, hearing, and mobility disabilities.
This study deals with the social aspects of the stigmatization of people with disabilities. The researchers have analysed the findings from the youth of a south east Asian country, India. These two criteria are similar to the present study of Socio-Economic aspect in youth with disability in south Asian countries. The study deals with social aspect only and the economic aspect has not been considered here which is also a part of the present study. Another gap is found here is the types of disabilities that the study has considered which is only three while the spectrum is wide in the area of mental disorders, autism or mentally challenged individuals.
PAPER II: Bright, T., & Kuper, H. (2018). A systematic review of access to general healthcare services for people with disabilities in low and middle income countries. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(9), 1879
This study conducted by Bright & Kuper (2018), presented a review of exploration and access to general healthcare services for people with disabilities who belonged to the lower and middle-income countries. The study included a comparison of the access to healthcare facilities by people with disabilities to those without the disabilities in these countries. There were a number of 3,048 studies searched among which 50 studies were found eligible. The evidences found showed that the usage of the healthcare services was higher for people with disabilities and the related expenditure was also higher. The study has indicated that the developing common metrics for measuring the disability and the healthcare service access would improve the quality, and the healthcare access for people with disabilities for an easy monitoring and improvement.
This review has several strengths. This review has followed a PRISMA guidance. There was an adaptation thorough the approach to screening of the data collected. Along with this it was extended to the processed of data extraction and collection of the data and further the analysis of the results obtained giving a meaningful and valuable insight. In addition to this, the data was extracted on the barriers for the research study for an effective and more accurate analysis. This study has adopted a quantitative method. Queirós, Faria, & Almeida (2017) has mentioned that this method has several advantages as it has recorded responses in numbers which has provided specific results supported by quantitative numbers.
    One of the weakness of the study is the definition of access adopted in the study might not have captured all cited aspects of access like accessibility, affordability, availability and acceptability. Also, the indicators included in the review might not be capture sufficiently the other complexities that the people with disabilities might have faced to seek and receive good quality health care. The primary interest of the study was the receipt of the health care quantitatively and this approach and as mentioned by Boeren (2018), might have missed the details of the quality and effectiveness of the services received. This review was unable to examine the in-depth influence that the health financing or health system performance has on access to health for people with disabilities.
The present study of Socio-Economic aspect in youth with disability in south Asian countries has a relevance to study the health care services available to the youth with disabilities and the accessibility, acceptability and affordability of these health care services. The study by Bright & Kuper (2018), was found to indicate a trend for higher utilisation of the services by the people with disabilities which confirms that the people with disabilities tend to have higher health requirements in comparison to the people without any type of disabilities. However, it does not cover the financial implication of these services which would have been helpful to the present study.
PAPER III: Gudlavalleti, V. S. M. (2018). Challenges in accessing health care for people with disability in the south Asian context: a review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(11), 2366.
The study by Gudlavalleti (2018), has indicated the aspects of challenges of health care for people with disabilities specifically from the region of South Asia. The studies mentioned that there was a significant number of people with disability in this region reported adverse health results and outcomes and major challenges in the aspect of health services. The study has shown that the challenges related to the prejudices and attitudes of the health care providers. It had further informed the inadequacies in the skills and infrastructure to care for people with disabilities. The author has found a need to develop locally-affordable and contextually-specific interventions for improvement of the quality of health of people with disabilities in the South Asia region.
    The strength of the services can be viewed from the kind of data that has been extracted which is a from the population-based studies so that an availability of a comparable denominator was used. The study has included different types of instruments for the studies. It had focused on the surveys of the health aspect along with this survey also targeted the aspect specifically related to disability. This included health surveys, targeted disability surveys. It had also included tools like the Rapid Assessment of Disability (RAD) tool which according to Pryor, Nguyen, Islam, Jalal & Marella (2018), is a very effective tool. Along with this the tool of Census estimates was also included to provide better insight.
The study has provided the information majorly from based on other review papers available from the past which is a secondary data. As mentioned by Johnston (2017), the reviews based on secondary data has its own limitations. The subsequent results obtained, analysis conducted and conclusion drawn also carries similar challenges. This was one of the concerns with the paper otherwise the paper does not have any significant drawbacks or weaknesses.
This study has covered the details from the region of South Asia specifically which is in direct link with the requirement of the present study of Socio-Economic aspect in youth with disability in South Asian countries. The review has provided some insights of the social attitudes and prejudice specifically toward the people with disabilities by the healthcare providers. This study has also provided information on the financial barriers faced by the people with disabilities in this region which supports the economical aspect of the study.
PAPER IV: Walsham, M., Kuper, H., Banks, L. M., & Blanchet, K. (2019). Social protection for people with disabilities in Africa and Asia: a review of programmes for low-and middle-income countries. Oxford Development Studies, 47(1), 97-112.
This paper by Walsham, Kuper, Banks & Blanchet (2019), presented the findings from a review of global and regional data from the sources for Asia-Pacific and Africa. This was to identify the programmes of social protection that was aimed to include people with disabilities. The study found a substantial number of such programmes in the regions. The programmes found had variation in the type and quantity of programmes in the lower-and middle-income countries. The findings of the study provided the overview and indicated that the attention to this topic was lacking but few programmes were already in place
    This review has presented the details of the social protection programmes specifically in the countries of Asia and Africa. The review has presented the related information description categorically for specific countries and not a general data region wise. This avoids ambiguity. The review has utilised the desk-review that was carried out as part of a research project with broader scope which included the social protection systems and was aimed to provided information of the selection of field-research sites. As mentioned by Sandison (2003), the desk review method is advantageous as it is worked considering the authenticity of the study sources and is conducted in a detailed way for the required information and forms the basis of next stages of the work.
The review has few weaknesses like the quality of data was not sufficient for assessing the degree of genuinely inclusiveness of the people with disabilities in these programmes. Another weakness of the study was the limitation in the evidence on the inclusion of the people with disabilities into social protection programmes in low- and middle-income countries. In addition to these, the information of such programmes in this study was not available also the total number of schemes mentioned in the review and as mentioned by Paul & Criado (2020), the number of schemes mentioned in any review for a country was unlikely to be a good indicator of actual population coverage in most cases.
The study by Walsham, Kuper, Banks & Blanchet (2019), deals with the social aspects of the countries located in the region of Asia Pacific by estimating the numbers of social protection programme. This has provided a fair idea of the attitude and active steps taken in a country towards the people with disabilities. It also was indicative of the serious of the intent of the social communities and people in general of the particular country toward the people with disabilities. These are useful information for the present study of Socio-Economic aspect in youth with disability in south Asian countries.
PAPER V: Nasir, M. N. A. (2020). The socio-economic situation...

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