ITECH 5500 Professional Research and CommunicationResearch ProposalOverviewThe purpose of this assessment is to enable students to demonstrate a critical awareness of previous research in an IT...

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ITECH 5500 Professional Research and CommunicationResearch ProposalOverviewThe purpose of this assessment is to enable students to demonstrate a critical awareness of previous research in an IT context within a chosen topic area through a basic understanding of research theory and techniques. It requires clear communication of ideas in a professional manner so that the reader can easily understand the purpose and results of your research. Overall goals of this assignment are to help you to:• Become more knowledgeable about finding and using varied research sources in your chosen area in IT.• Further develop your critical thinking skills and back up your points with evidence.• Become more adept at synthesizing information and developing informed views.• Discipline yourself to follow a scholarly research format to document in-text sources and a referencespage (bibliography).• Compose a well-organized, clear, concise, research proposal to expand your knowledge on aresearch question in your chosen area.You can work on this report individually or in a group of two (maximum).Timelines and ExpectationsPercentage Value of Task: 30 %Due: 17.00 Friday Week 11Minimum time expectation: 20-30 hoursLearning Outcomes AssessedThe following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:Knowledge:K1. Determine the role IT research plays in contributing to organisational innovation, and success.K2. Critique advanced communication theory for organisations.K3. Identify appropriate research philosophies for IT projects, which match organisational approaches. K4. Identify appropriate methodologies and methods, for an organisational IT research project.Skills:S1. Utilise effective communication practice in organisations.S2. Demonstrate expert English language skills in academic and professional contexts. S3. Evaluate the quality and utility of literature sourced.S4. Undertake a literature review for an organisational IT research project.Application of knowledge and skills:A1. Compose a research proposal and report on a topic related to an organisational IT research project.CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Assignment Proposal.docx Page 1 of 8
A2. Present written and oral reports to academic and organisational audiences.Assessment DetailsBackgroundThe research report provides a detailed description of a proposed research idea. It is similar to an essay and needs to be in a formal style with introduction, body and conclusion. In addition it requires a critical analysis and a coherent presentation.RequirementsEach group is required to submit a mini research report (2500-3000 words excluding the title, abstract, table of contents and references/bibliography). The purpose of this task is to assist students to prepare and write a scholarly paper at an appropriate standard for this level of study.You have already done quite a bit of work for this research in tutorials: you should have a tentative research issue, strategies and evidence to persuade your readers about the significance of the problem you’re researching, as well as the validity of your research issues. You also should consider opposing views or good counter-arguments that you can address in order to help establish your credibility and enhance the relevance of your paper.A. Report Layout (20%)The mini research report must contain the following sections, submitted in the order as listed below-• Title – selection of an informative title• Abstract - summarization of the significant concepts in the proposed study focusing onkey aspects (300 words max)• Introduction – outline of the thesis, problem, research question, etc. (stating the thesis/theory in terms of relationship among variables and examining the problem or investigating the question, or the like) and preview of the structure of the paper.• Literature Review- demonstration of the ability to find significant sources, familiarity with the existing body of knowledge, analysis of existing research, and learning through a careful reading of existing scholarship.CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Assignment Proposal.docx Page 2 of 8
• Methodology- procedures and processes undertaken in your investigation/study including the research design– study type, variables, and data collection methods (as applicable).• Discussion and implications of research – Discuss with reasons whether your study needs Ethics clearance. Discuss findings that might occur and their potential impact on the field• References- include relevant literature sources (in-text citation and a list of full- text references)• Appendices (if applicable) - tables, graphs, charts or any other- related to the study not included in the main paper but referred to.Note: Students are required to follow the ‘General guide to referencing’ and ‘Guide to Writing and Study Skills’- specially the ‘Layout and Appearance’ and the ‘Report’ sections. 2014.pdf Skills.pdf[For distribution of marks, see the Marking Rubric at the end of this document]SubmissionSubmit an electronic copy of the Research Report along with your Reflective Journal and Ethics Application via the Turnitin submission link on the course Moodle page. Please refer to the Course Description for information regarding late assignments, extensions, special consideration, and plagiarism. A reminder all academic regulations can be accessed via the university’s website, see: Proposal via the Turnitin linkYou will be able to view the originality report immediately after submission. You are advised to submit earlier so that you can check the originality report and make necessary changes (by paraphrasing, adding appropriate in-text citation/referencing etc.) to eliminate matching and avoid PLAGIARISM. You may re-submit the assignment until the due date/time.CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Assignment Proposal.docx Page 3 of 8
Marking Criteria/RubricITECH5500 Research Report- Marking RubricStudent Id. Student Name Category Excellent Good Acceptable Poor/Unacceptable Marks Abstract 8-10Very coherent and succinct statement of the problem, motivation and proposed methodology6-7 Coherent and succinct statement of the problem, motivation and proposed methodology 3-5 Statement of the problem, motivation and proposed methodology0-2No abstract or poorly structured abstract/10 Introduction Strong 8-10 introduction of topic’s key question(s) and terms. Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed. Specific thesis statement.6-7Conveys topic and key question(s). Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed. General thesis statement. 3-5Conveys topic, but not key question(s). Describes subtopics to be reviewed. General thesis statement. 0-2Does not adequately convey topic. Does not describe subtopics to be reviewed. Lacks adequate thesis statement./20 Literature Review 14-20Sources are exceptionally well- integrated and they support claims argued in the paper very effectively. 8-13Sources are well integrated and support the paper’s claims. 4-7Sources support some claims made in the paper, but might not be integrated well within the paper’s argument. 0-3The paper does not use adequate research or if it does, the sources are not integrated well. /20 Methods (and Methodology) 14-20Appropriate procedures and processes included and clear design of the research addressed.8-13Procedures and processes are included, and research design is somewhat clear. 4-7Some procedures and processes included, and research design is not clear. 0-3Procedures and processes are absent or vague, and research design is not addressed or very poorly addressed./20 Discussion of implications of research 8-10Exceptionally well- presented and argued. Ideas are detailed, well- developed, supported with specific evidence and facts, as well as in-depth analysis.6-7Well-presented and argued. Ideas are detailed, developed and supported with evidence and details, mostly specific, displays evidence of basic analysis. 3-5Content is sound. Ideas are present but not particularly developed or supported; some evidence of analysis, but usually of a generalized nature. 0-2Content is presented but not sound, and analysis is vague or not evident./10 CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Assignment Proposal.docx Page 4 of 8
Overall Organization 9-10Well-planned, logically-flowing and well-thought out. Includes informative title, 6-8Good overall organization and somewhat logically-flowing. Includes title, 3-5There is a sense of organization. Includes title, abstract with few key aspects and a 0-2No/lack of sense of organization. Missing title and/or a TOC. Also missing abstract or /10 References 9-10An appropriate number of authoritative references in APA style6-8 Authoritative references in APA style with some deficiencies 3-5Few authoritative references in APA style with many deficiencies 0-2Too few authoritative references in poor adherence to APA/10 CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Assignment Proposal.docx Page 5 of 8

an abstract that summarizes key aspects and an appropriate TOC. abstract with some key aspects and a TOC. TOC. includes abstract that is vague. Grammar & Mechanics 8-10Excellent grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation.6-7A few errors in grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation, but not many. 3-5Shows a pattern of errors in spelling, grammar, syntax and/or punctuation- a sign of lack of proof-reading. 0-2Continuous errors/10 References and Formatting 9-10Includes range of legitimate references (internet, articles, quotations, books and journals etc.). Correct use of referencing and citation using APA style. Used University Guide for layout and appearance.6-8Few errors in references or citations and also in layout and appearance. 3-5Some errors in references or citations and also in layout and appearance.0-2Many errors in references or citations and also in layout and appearance./10 Total (out of 100) Scaled (out of 35) Comments (if any): Marked by: CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Assignment Proposal.docx Page 6 of 8
FeedbackSubmission will be marked electronically and returned via moodle within 2 weeks.Plagiarism:Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at study/online-help-with/plagiarism.CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Assignment Proposal.docx Page 7 of 8
Answered Same DayMay 28, 2021ITECH5500

Answer To: ITECH 5500 Professional Research and CommunicationResearch ProposalOverviewThe purpose of this...

Soumi answered on May 30 2021
154 Votes
    This research project investigates the role of data mining in healthcare industry. It identifies the impact of data mining in providing quality care to the patients. This research project conduct the survey on doctor and nurses of the private hospital to understand the significant of data mining on the health of the patient. It derives the future prospect of the data mining in healthcare industry. This research project consist of introduction, literature review, methodology, research analysis, ethical clearance and conclusion. It has been seen that data mining has rapidly in demand in
business organisations for their predictions and guidance in decision making. This research project tries to identify its similar role in healthcare organisation
Table of Contents
1. Introduction    4
1.1 Background of the research    4
1.2 Problem Statement    4
1.3 Research Aim    5
1.4 Research Objectives    5
1.5 Research Questions    5
2. Literature review    5
2.1 Data Mining    5
2.2 Importance of Data Mining    6
2.3 Concept and Significance of Healthcare    7
2.4 Impact of data mining on healthcare    7
3. Methodology    8
3.1 Research Method    8
3.2 Sample size    9
3.3 Data collection and analysis    9
4. Discussion and implications of research    9
4.1 Results and Discussions    9
4.2 Ethical Clearances    19
4.3 Conclusion    19
References    21
Appendix: Survey Questionnaire    23
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
    The background of this research investigation is to identify the role of data mining in healthcare. Current world has been seeing various changes and technology has become the integrated part of all the organizations. The use of technology and its procedures has become very frequent in healthcare system. This organization is regularly advancing itself with the use of technology.
Although data mining has been the technology, which shown its worth in prediction of data and identification of patterns in healthcare, yet there is no model which can show its accuracy in handling the complex medical data. Data mining has proven its worth in healthcare sector in prediction of medicine and identification of any fraud and abuse. The use of electron health record has been successfully present in all the medical care facilities which work on the principle of data mining.
1.2 Problem Statement
    The main problem associated with this research topic is that the data mining has helped in the improvement of the healthcare system but there is not model which can provide the accuracy of its prediction on big data. As suggested by Lee and Yoon (2017), data mining’s limitation is its prediction of complex medical data which consists of large number of variables. These medical data are of large size, multiple scale, disparate sources, incomplete and complex.
Prediction of pattern from data mining can be effective for small data but there is limitation of its functioning. There is uncertainty in big data which makes it difficult to provide accurate prediction of the pattern like in case of disease prediction or accurate medicine prediction for the patient. Doctors cannot completely rely in data mining for their treatment.
1.3 Research Aim
    The aim of this research investigation is to identify the role of data mining in healthcare industry.
1.4 Research Objectives
    Before starting of the investigation, researchers have set certain objectives for this research projects. These objectives will play important role in guiding the investigation of the project. The research objectives are as follows:
· To identify the frequency of use of data mining in healthcare
· To evaluate the impact of data mining in healthcare and treatment of patient
· To estimate the extent of data mining in improving the healthcare services
· To understand the limitation of data mining in healthcare services and suggest improvements
1.5 Research Questions
    The research questions are developed for the research. With the use of the research questions, the data can be collected ethically. The research questions are discussed below:
· How frequently data mining is used in healthcare?
· What is the impact of data mining in healthcare and treatment of patient?
· What is the extent of data mining in improving the healthcare services?
· What are the limitations of data mining in healthcare services and how can they be improved?
2. Literature review
2.1 Data Mining
Data mining can be defined as the method in which pattern is developed in large set of data with the help of statistics, machine learning and database system (Tan, 2018). It has been seen that data mining is a practice of examining of the old data to generate the new information. This process has shown significant role in business organization. It records all the data and run statistical analysis using machine learning and prediction software present in it to produce the reliable outcome, which can be used for the future purpose.
As noted by Zheng (2015), data mining is also known as data discovery or knowledge discovery. It analyses the hidden pattern, which was left out from the human perspective to give the possible direction of the functioning. There are few steps that program conduct to proceed with the data mining. First, relevant data is extracted, transformed and loaded into a data warehouse.
The data is managed and stored in a multidimensional database. This helps the data analysts to easily access the data and apply the software for analysis. The data is analysed using the algorithm and variable, graphs, and charts are formed for easy prediction of the pattern.
2.2 Importance of Data Mining
    As suggested by Gallant, Gauvin, Berteaux and Lecomte (2016), data mining help to capture and identify the long set of data. Nowadays, there is significant rise in the demand of the data industry in the business organization. This technique have in analysing the large amount of data error free into a meaningful data, which is not easily predictable or utilized through humans. This helps the business organization in taking accurate business decision, which can be profitable in long term.
It helps to develop smart market decision and to run accurate campaigns based on the prediction of pre-existing large data of the organization (Rojas, Munoz-Gama, Sepulveda & Capurro, 2016). The data is raw which is considered usually waste as relation is not properly made. This system helps in making logic of the large raw data and present in most understandable form so that organization can use this prediction in their decisions. This is helpful in taking decisions like budget, cost reduction and revenue generation.
    As noted by Ratner (2017), data mining plays the important role in the building of data model which is used in marketing strategies. It has been seen that it ensures the accurate outcome when applied as a tool of the strategy. In retail industry, it allows to provide the...

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