It need to be done in 600 words
Values 15% Length 600-700 words Due Date: Tuesday 4 April 2023 Please write a well-organized essay inferrcting any ONE of the six pocms reproduced on the following pages. Support your interpretation with specific references tothe poem, What is the pom saying, and why does it nd 1 be a poe 10 say what ts saying? How does form express coment? More spcifc questions fo consider (not ll re equally relevant to cach poem) SOUND How does the pom use auditory devices (such ss thyme, tythn, alertion, assonance, tc.) to express and emphasize ideas and fclings? LITERAL AND FIGURATIVE How docs the poem use figurative language (metaphors and smiles) o create meaning? What senses do the poi’ mages appeal 107 Does the poem have central metaphor that shapes its meaning? Tn what ways is the poem concerned with lal things and activities as well as with figurative connections? STRUCTURE How docs the pocan’ structure is organization into lines and stanzas, and is use of established forms like the sonnet—serve o emphasize its meaning? How many sentences does the pocm have, and how does sentence structure relate 0 line teucture? Do the ends of clauses and phrases match th ends of lines or sometimes continue across line endings (enjambsnt)? How do sentnce details support the thoughts and felings the poem is expresing? REREADING On your first ew readings, what features of the pocm sccm singe andor hard 0 grasp? The unexpected features ofa poem can be key ois most You ar not required to do any rescarch or tis assignment, but if you do consult any sources ther han your chosen poe, you should provid the appropriste MLA-style ciation. 1. Relbcea Goss, “Hi Honey, I'm Home” Too soft packets of Marlboro on the sideboard and she knew he'd ave, She lit one, moved 1 the able and saw SURPRISE writen in sil sugar. She couldn't el thinking of lcs. He was in bed for crn, waiting for ber 10 join him in pseudo-seep “Thinking of his mouth, she simost went uptie, but telephoned her sister and amanged 0 meet ina Tapas bar. She added D and a question mark 10 his grecing on he abi, picked up his cigars and et he fron door open. 2. Robert Crawford, “Opers™ “Throw al your stagey chandeliers in wheelbarmows and move then orth To celebrate my mother's sewing machine Ander a A ry @20f6 1. eben Gos, Hi Honey Um Home” To sot packets of Moon he ibn. nde br be damived. Shelton, moved io thle ands SURPRISE rite pit se. She coud help thinkin ff. Hwan bod for cri, wing for ber join im in puede “Tining os moat. sh los went pss, bot lphond ber str nd ange 0 ect fn Tops ba. She add D ad question mark fois grcting on te ble, eked uy bis gare nde fot os open. 2 Robert Crawford, Opera” Th ll your stage chandeliers in wbecierons snd move hens To cee my mother's sein. machine And er beneath igh watt ub pling i cn an iq cs opie Pouring he needle through segs ns, Duin br work. Tome aa youn boy Tht was ber yeni. dtc [a Between ber aves the oowghtivn ter: SINGER. Ns roed olbed wood nd cl, owas poeta strc. stared Hardt brill els ys tht pure And one t ight ad thn sch mornin afr eto work t schol. wearing er sos. 3 Fred Again, A Gila Rose” Tuo poke remember here were a est ve) Sopped me sod ge me 4 bch rr rss runed thm wth and vate ied ih sll spin. The rose had an namo ttin es amd chide who oes des cried nd rn This ot the ssn or ves vryons sid, JR ——— Target was simpy Tashd down he roses Hier svcd ve my fice ad dy to cps vor by the pole np of my ack ki an ser bi verona a airs tio oi Pemba saniniuon Hr hands nd fect in ison, rend ence clves he wight is SINGER Mas red poled wood sd ctl, owas prc tc. srt Hardt bill nls ys tho pur. And shone at ight, ad hen sch omin afr work ch esr er ngs @3of6 5 Fred Agar “A Git of Rose” Two poke remember here were fest ve) Sopped me and gave me a bch rd rod rss Sound rei sada ed ih sll pin. and chide who oso: ds cried ad rn This ot the ssn or ross exer i, om ave do semething proces he. Tord ws simply fashd down a he ses ically spec ove my fe ad body fo cts vor by the poles pie of my ck ki nd ber hrs td me ks car of the flowers, photo hers, sae pei an came for other, 3 tc. hat he pcre hod be de ret i comsedcve windsor ave Wal ngict they seiled ed dopperes, people topped okin when | wens Soy shoppin. Though wae deflowered, os mem ured sc: Now whens he polit aed, ake he st ei even icy havea boc of my own for her: py they kop hi msn iso timc. iy Later 01) Th schol call bt vey spo chs, tp ok he Fring ne. Tic he art, ne kins he epic Chock il sounded om bin i Surcdert sumonds, he ake the be he hs and wal on The mise cts Ne os har 4 mi Dhar, A Cemary Later” (2014) Th schokbell is call bt vey spot iep mothe ring ne. Hr heat, fae skis he epic Chock il round om bein ike Surender summed, he othe lth es and akon Themis cus puhway inher mid. tom achrd- ll bn, kd hamming de thes, slop pend ll of opis. Th gi hs wo he rahe be orb, weiss weigher Gnesi, 710 school. Bll be sy. rw are spl, Sou fio Yo comm kil a book rhe ing 1. Am, vam, Bind ero by an, he shone sand op ake hi pos on he ot ne. Noth pn as pid by Ml Yt, he Pit set sd ci who rived in so by he Ton 01 dw wd hs Ae Pec Pre 3 Ficanor Brows, XLVI rom “Fifty Sonnet” owas coo ith the somes wollen meray in payer runnin ol bis Ther ay be ir ways of yng is: ifn you dot. Ching ocy nar gait the damages yee, ey whined, Be ie and when he wrinkles com, ener isan th curing os il on perm vu pie” And posal he prose eld for enc. Welk, who in nhs cnc gc. poy makes Focty makes UR MRS PHL me @50f6 Ficano Brown, XL rom “Fifty Sonnet” Homa custom ith te sopcies ole cranny in payment for vcr orl bis Thr may be ir ways of yng his: £20 yo dot. Ching pocy nr gaint the damages yee. hey whined, “Be mind whe the wrinkles come, he nc cs this during pas wil you permanently your pine And possibly he promise bed for nc. We on, who in nt cng ge. pocty makes nothing happen Bt ie makes he sn things apps hen. Be mie, ay and to comnt n 6 Abn Nowlan, “An Exchange of Gifs” Astong as you ed tis pon Iuille witngit Fam wing er snd so betas your ces. hous you can't sc Pehap you'll di hi aver ick, hejoke is youre wong hel ick is your pretending hei somthin ied and sod extemal bth tell uate: Hitkeepon ring his po fo ou renter ded Works Cid Brown, less XLVI fom Fit Sonnets Moidn Spec, Bloodae, 196.5 42. Cato, Rober “Opera res Ste: The New Sto Pots ied by Donny 0 Rect, Polygon, 2002p. 101-102 "Air Fr “A Gill of Rose.” An Engi Sampler Nw and Sled Pcs, Chto & Windus, 2001p. 62 Dhirker, nas. Cory Later” Ore the Mos, Blas, 2014p 146 Gow Rebecca Hi Honey 'm Hom. he atomy of Src, lad Pres, 210. 16. Nowian, Alden “An Excise of Gifs ern Teor and Loughe. Slced Poems Bloodie 2004. 70