It is a project final paper. I have attached 2 final report examples and 1 requirements pdf. We have created a project website lilYoungOne.The goal of this project is to build a platform,™, where parents /
guardians and students will be empowered to make well informed decisions about
their future careers using the various resources deployed and built into the final
products.™ will be designed as a user-friendly portal featuring
guidance, interactive tools and valuable resources that help in purpose and life
planning aspects.
YWCC Capstone Final Report Requirements - 4 Person Team FINAL REPORT REQUIREMENTS (4 Person Team) YWCC CAPSTONE Program FINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT Every Project Team (Industry and E-Teams) needs to produce a typed final formal report. This report is due on the date scheduled on the syllabus. Submit to Canvas by PM only and include the names of all “contributing” team members in the title page. The final report is worth 100 points (10%) towards your final grade this semester. REPORT REQUIREMENTS ● Each chapter of the report must have one (1) single author. Team members cannot collaborate on chapters. ● Each chapter should average 3 pages. A full report should include all chapters but there is no minimum number of pages and there is no maximum. This will vary depending on the number of chapters. However, we are more concerned about the quality rather than quantity in your deliverables. ● Author of each chapter should be explicitly stated in the footer of every page. ● Only members of your team not exempt from the report will complete the report. This is uncommon. REPORT OUTLINE 1. Title Page: Title, Sponsor, Team Members (indicate excused from report or not), Course Name & Section, Instructor, Date 2. Chapters 1-6 3. References (as applicable). FINAL REPORT CHAPTERS The report consists of multiple chapters. Chapters 1 to 6 are mandatory for 4-people teams. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Project Background, Problem Definition, Glossary of terms used, Iteration or Revision Updates. CHAPTER 2: PROJECT MANAGEMENT Task Analysis, Roles, WBS/Gantt, Risk Identification and Management CHAPTER 3: DEFINE Stakeholders, Requirements Gathering, Project Scope Extra Credit: FDD Requirement Grouping and Use Case Diagrams CHAPTER 4: DESIGN ER, Class, Network Diagrams. Implementation Details. Extra Credit: Survey of at least three (3) alternative solutions and a comparison between them CHAPTER 5: DEVELOPMENT Outputs / Screenshots and description of your Solution. No source code. Extra Credit: Develop a brief User Manual for the intended user of your solution. CHAPTER 6: EVALUATION AND CONCLUSION Solution Testing, Verification, Validation. Team conclusions: What did you learn, what would you do differently, were you successful? GRADING OF REPORTS Reports are graded according to the following criteria: ● Adherence to assigned format. ● Completeness. Do not leave out important details. ● Presentation, Formatting, Spelling and Grammar. You will lose points for poor form. ● Detail in analysis. Do not give a superficial report. Give sufficient technical detail, while remaining at the project level. ● Mastery. Your report should indicate that your team understands in detail the project, the problems it solves, and the process you used to do it. If your team has been productive during the semester, this report should be straightforward. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY NOTICE This assignment is subject to the NJIT Honor Code. All outside materials used in the construction of this report must be properly cited using an accepted citation format (MLA/APA preferred). Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be reported to the Dean of Students. Include a Works Cited or Bibliography as needed. New Jersey Institute of Technology YWCC Senior Capstone Spring 2023 RDE’s Enterprise Domain Stack with AWS Final Documentation Professor Osama Eljabiri Team Members : Eddi Gonzalez Sean Levesque Dominik Zmuda Vivek Shah — Project Manager 1 Table of Contents 1. Project Introduction 4 1.1 Abstract 4 1.2 Project Background 5 1.3 Problem Definition 6 1.4 Glossary 7 2. Project Management 10 2.1 Team Roles and Responsibilities 10 2.2 Work Breakdown Structure 11 2.3 Gantt Chart 11 2.4 Task Analysis 12 2.5 Risk Management 13 3. Requirements Definition 16 3.1 Stakeholders Identified 16 3.2 Requirements Gathering Techniques 18 3.3 Project Scope and Requirements 19 3.4 Feature Driven Diagram (FDD) & Feature List 20 4. Design 22 4.1 System Architecture Diagram 22 4.2 VPC Subnet 23 4.3 Security Groups 24 4.4 Security Design: Firewalls + Other Security Tools 25 5. Development 27 5.1 Visual Guide to Our Solution (Infrastructure) 27 5.2 Visual Guide to Our Solution (Demonstration) 35 CS/IT 491 Capstone Spring 2023 2 New Jersey Institute of Technology 5.3 Setting up our EC2 Instances 40 5.4 Setting up VPC and Security Groups 49 5.5 Setting up our RDS Database 51 5.6 Setting up DUO Two-Factor Authentication 55 5.7 Setting up Firewall 58 6. Evaluation and Conclusion 63 6.1 Verification & Validation 63 6.2 Requirements & Prototype 64 6.3 Obstacles & Lessons Learned 65 6.4 Team Reflections 66 CS/IT 491 Capstone Spring 2023 3 New Jersey Institute of Technology 1. Project Introduction 1.1 Abstract This document describes the process of an enterprise domain stack with AWS for RDE Systems. The goal of this project was to build a virtual infrastructure with AWS that mirrored RDE System’s current architecture with an emphasis on enhanced security for the network. The following group of students: Eddi Gonzalez, Sean Levesque, Vivek Shah, and Dominik Zmuda from New Jersey Institute of Technology have been appointed to develop this enterprise domain stack on AWS for RDE Systems as part of the Ying Wu College of Computing capstone senior project. This document outlines the process and areas of consideration the team focused on for the design and implementation of the enterprise domain stack with enhanced security on AWS. This virtual infrastructure will host a website and provide employees of RDE with access to a range of services, supported by the infrastructure, to aid them in their completion of work tasks. This infrastructure would need to authenticate users to ensure that only authorized RDE employees have access to this virtual infrastructure. The emphasis of this project is on enhanced security for the network, the virtual infrastructure contains and transports sensitive company data and therefore must be protected against any and all attacks. The project team was tasked with building the infrastructure with a way to authenticate users as well as implementing security tools and analysis to protect the network from network and web application attacks. The network architecture was built through a series of prototyping and SCRUM project management in order for the team to complete project tasks and build the optimal solution. Extensive research into AWS and its services as well as strategic planning and project management were necessary for the successful completion of this project. The use of a work breakdown structure and a CS/IT 491 Capstone Spring 2023 4 New Jersey Institute of Technology Author: Vivek Shah feature driven diagram helped plan out necessary components of the infrastructure and breakdown the components into tasks. Cost and resource analysis on AWS instances, services, and security tools were used to determine which to implement in order to provide a cost-efficient, but still high performance and security, solution. The identification of both communication/non-technical and technical risks involved with this project near the start and implementation of countermeasures helped mitigate the risks the project team faced. 1.2 Project Background RDE Systems, a New Jersey company, is the creator of a collection of software products called eCOMPAS and e2 that provide a web-based data system developed for Ryan White HIV/AIDS, HOPWA, and HIV prevention program management. RDE works to design and build software that handles extensive and sensitive medical data while also providing an easy-to-use user interface for both professionals and patients. To build this collection of software products, employees of RDE work on various tasks using a variety of integrated tools and services provided by the company, all of which are located on RDE’s internal company website. This website and the services provided are hosted on an enterprise domain stack built on Amazon Web Services and consist of three main components: an IIS web server, a domain controller, and a database server. The IIS web server faces the public internet and hosts the website for the infrastructure, while the domain controller acts as the hub of infrastructure, providing essential services like DNS, DHCP and LDAPS. The database contains a variety of company data, ranging from medical data to software components and projects. Both employees working on-site and remote access this infrastructure, requiring the website that authenticate users face the public internet. As a result of having a public-facing website, the website and subsequently the infrastructure is susceptible to a variety of network and web application attacks and CS/IT 491 Capstone Spring 2023 5 New Jersey Institute of Technology Author: Vivek Shah vulnerabilities. RDE wants to continue to improve security of its virtual infrastructure, identifying potential vulnerabilities and security risks, in order to protect its sensitive company data and prevent any type of breach. RDE Systems is looking for a project team to recreate their virtual infrastructure on AWS with the three main components and necessary basic network services. On top of this infrastructure, the project team must implement security plans and tools to enhance security to defend against a variety of attacks. This mirrored infrastructure will provide RDE Systems with new strategies and potential additions to their own infrastructure to ensure optimal security for both the company and their customers. 1.3 Problem Definition The landscape of cybersecurity is always changing, with new vulnerabilities, risks, security tools, countermeasures, and software security patches appearing often. RDE Systems always strives to improve their security and defenses against threats and vulnerabilities, and therefore needs to constantly be looking for new threats and the optimal countermeasures to defend against them. The virtual infrastructure asked to be created would be used to test new security tools and countermeasures with the goal of ultimately improving RDE’s current infrastructure with these new security measures. When creating this new virtual infrastructure, the project team should keep in mind these security vulnerabilities to account for and defend against: ● Compromised Credentials To authenticate into RDE’s infrastructure, employees use credentials given to them by RDE to login through the website. However, credentials can become compromised leaving the entire infrastructure vulnerable to bad actors who can gain access to data and services hosted on the infrastructure. The virtual infrastructure should be able to defend against compromised credentials. CS/IT 491 Capstone Spring 2023 6 New Jersey Institute of Technology Author: Vivek Shah ● Web Application Attacks (SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting, etc.) Having a public facing web application to authenticate users, host services, and display data for authenticated employees can lead to vulnerability to web application attacks. The website could face a variety of attacks including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, DDOS and many others that could disrupt the network or illegally change data within the database. ● Network Attacks (Man-in-the-Middle, Password Sniffing, etc.) Like web application attacks, network attacks to our infrastructure can be very damaging to RDE Systems and its stakeholders. Network attacks can lead to stolen credentials, eavesdropping on network data, or in the worst case, a complete shutdown of the network. RDE’s infrastructure needs countermeasures for such attacks in order to maintain integrity of data throughout the network, and prevent any breach or compromised instances. This virtual infrastructure, created by the project team, should mirror RDE’s current infrastructure while also solving the problems listed above and improving the overall security of the network. 1.4 Glossary ● Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) - A security method that requires two forms of identification to access resources and data ● Active Directory (AD) - Microsoft's proprietary directory service for Windows domain networks. ● Domain Controller (DC) - A server that is responsible for managing and providing essential services to all other devices on a network ● Domain Name System (DNS) - Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. CS/IT 491 Capstone Spring 2023 7 New