It has been established that road accident is the number one killer in Ghana far exceeding that of HIV aids and COVID-19 put together. Most of the roads accidents are known to have been caused by...

It has been established that road accident is the number one killer in Ghana far exceeding that of HIV aids and COVID-19 put together. Most of the roads accidents are known to have been caused by driver negligence. There is currently no system in place to track offenses committed by drivers. Charles Saah of AiTSystem a software company advised that a system should be put in place to track the number of offenses committed by drivers. The system should be able to count the number of offenses committed by each driver and make the following recommendations.

(a) If a minor offense is committed by a driver, a fine of GHs 50 should be charged and the driver cautioned. A second minor offense by the same driver should attract a fine of GHs 150 and the bared from driving for two weeks. If the same driver commits more than two minor offenses, the driver’s license should be confiscated and directed to go for retraining as a driver.

(b) However, if a major offense is committed the driver should be investigated by DVLA.

(c) On a trial bases, you are to develop a system to depict “a, and b’ above and display the results

NB: Use Java as programming language

Jun 09, 2022

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