IT 140: Introduction to Scripting v3 home > 1.3: Input/OutputE zyBooks catalog? Help/FAQ8 Jose RoqueZYDE 1.3.1: Basic input.Run the program and observe the output. Change the input box value from...

Home<br>B Announcements - IT-140-J61 x<br>zy Section 1.3 - IT 140: Introduct x<br>O (157) SNHU IT140 Module Or x<br>b Answered: Output an eight w X<br>+<br>ô<br>= zyBookS My library > IT 140: Introduction to Scripting v3 home > 1.3: Input/Output<br>E zyBooks catalog<br>? Help/FAQ<br>8 Jose Roque<br>ZYDE 1.3.1: Basic input.<br>Run the program and observe the output. Change the input box value from 3 to another number, and run again.<br>Load default template.<br>1 human_years = int(input('Enter age of dog (in human years): '))<br>2 print()<br>4 dog years = 7 * human_years<br>5<br>6 print(human_years, 'human years is about', end=' ')<br>7 print(dog_years, 'dog years.')<br>8<br>10<br>Pre-enter any input for program, then press run.<br>Activate Windows<br>Go to Settings to activate Windows.<br>Run<br>10:07 AM<br>P Type here to search<br>85°F Partly sunny<br>7/4/2021<br>近<br>

Extracted text: Home B Announcements - IT-140-J61 x zy Section 1.3 - IT 140: Introduct x O (157) SNHU IT140 Module Or x b Answered: Output an eight w X + ô = zyBookS My library > IT 140: Introduction to Scripting v3 home > 1.3: Input/Output E zyBooks catalog ? Help/FAQ 8 Jose Roque ZYDE 1.3.1: Basic input. Run the program and observe the output. Change the input box value from 3 to another number, and run again. Load default template. 1 human_years = int(input('Enter age of dog (in human years): ')) 2 print() 4 dog years = 7 * human_years 5 6 print(human_years, 'human years is about', end=' ') 7 print(dog_years, 'dog years.') 8 10 Pre-enter any input for program, then press run. Activate Windows Go to Settings to activate Windows. Run 10:07 AM P Type here to search 85°F Partly sunny 7/4/2021 近
Jun 11, 2022

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