is it possible to do this with in one hour and 30 mins. Finals exam mac190 object oriented programming 4 . java files. project on = one is Tester, Game,
Final MAC190. Prof Omar Ait Hellal 1- Design and code an abstract class Furniture. A furniture is anything like a desk, a bed, a table, ...etc. Every furniture has a height, can have a number of legs, can have a number of drawers, type of wood used to build it (eg. cherry, ash, oak, ...etc), the maker of the furniture and the year it was built. · Design a default constructor as well as a constructor that accepts values for all variables. · Your class should implement mutators and accessors (getters/setters) to all the above attributes. · An abstract method to compare two Furniture objects (equals). · An abstract method Furniture resize (double factor) that will accept a double and returns an object Furniture resized by the factor. · Provide exceptions whenever possible, for instance if the dimensions are negative or the resize factor is negative etc… In what follows answer only one of 2, 3, or 4 depending on your day of birth; If your day of birth is 1 to 10, answer question 2 only, if it is between 11 and 20 answer 3 only and if it is larger or equal than 21 answer 4 only. 2- Derive a class CoffeeTable from Furniture that implements an oak coffee table with three legs and no drawers. The table is always circular with a diameter that should be between 10 and 24 inches and the height should be between 10 and 15 inches (height and diameter are needed). Throw exceptions if inputs don’t fall within those measurements. Provide all getters, setters and constructors that you deem necessary. Test your class. The method resize here should return a CoffeTable with the diameter multiplied by the input factor. 3- Derive a class Chair from Furniture that implements a chair, knowing that all chairs have a length, a width, four legs and no drawers and the height can only be between 16 and 22 inches (throw an exception if it is not). Provide all getters, setters and constructors that you deem necessary. Test your class. The method resize here should return a Chair object with the length, width and height all multiplied by the input factor. 4- Derive a class Desk from Furniture that implements a one drawer desk, knowing that a desk has a length, a width, four legs and its length can only be between 24 and 60 inches, and the width between 16 and 30 inches and the height between 28 and 32 inches. Throw exceptions if inputs don’t fall within those measurements. Provide all getters, setters and constructors that you deem necessary. Test your class. The method resize here should return a Desk object with the length, width and height all multiplied by the input factor. Wish you a wonderful summer.