You will research an engineering disaster of your choice that has occurred in history and write an informative research paper based on your findings. Please note that there is a list of prohibited topics.
When you are deciding which disaster to choose, be sure that the disaster was related to an engineering failure (e.g. a flaw in the design) as opposed to a poor ethical choice that caused the disaster (e.g. a company knowingly does not fully disclose information that ultimately causes bodily harm). As well, be sure to avoid disasters that were more accidental in nature (e.g. Japan nuclear accident in 2011 due to the tsunami–in this case, a severe natural event caused the disaster).
Banned Disaster Topics List
Do not write your paper on any of the topics listed in the following section. These topics are banned because:
they are too large in scope for this assignment;
they have been done in the past and students struggled with them;
they are not really engineering disasters;
they have been used as examples in this class, and we want you to choose a
topic we have not discussed or provided you information about;
they are too recent, and definitive information about their exact cause or proper
academic sources about them are not yet available; or
they are, for other various reasons, simply not good topics.
Note that the topics change from year to year, so do not take the word of students who've taken the class in the past as to whether your topic is okay. Always check this list for yourself.
List of Banned Topics
The following are the current banned topics:
No topic in which the accident occurred prior to the year 1925 (focus on modern engineering accidents)
Sinking of the Titanic
Space Shuttle Challenger
Tacoma Narrows Suspension Bridge
Kansas City Hyatt Regency Walkways Collapse
Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
9/11 (World Trade Center collapse)
Love Canal
Ford Pinto
The Concorde Crash
Quebec Bridge
St. Francis Dam
East Cleveland Gas Explosion
Sinking of the Vasa
Leaning Tower of Pisa
Hindenburg Airship Explosion
MGM Grand Hotel Fire
Choosing an appropriate topic
When you consider the disaster, be sure tofocus on the engineering aspectsrelated to the disaster. You should be able to answer the following questions related to the disaster:
-How is it anengineeringdisaster?
-Which particular aspects of the disaster are the result of apoor engineering choice or practice?
-How is it relevant to thestudyandpracticeofengineering?
-Who was at fault? Whatcausedthe accident?
-Whatfuture precautionsare recommended?
-Were any new laws, practices, orregulationsimplemented as a result of the disaster?
-What was the overallimpact on engineering practice?
-Did the accidentchange engineering practice(either in general or in a particular field)? e.g. The Challenger disaster lead to significant policy changes at NASA and ultimately to Whistleblower legislation.
The majority of your paper should focus on the analysis of why the accident was an engineering disaster, how it occurred, and how it is relevant to the study and practice of engineering.
Do not spend more than a couple of pages describing the actual disaster. Your focus is not on describing the disaster, but rather, you are to focus on analyzing the disaster as it relates to engineering and what the engineering cause was for the disaster.
Use appropriate academic sources. Most engineering disasters have been officially investigated, and thus, there are reports that are frequently published and available on the Internet or through the library. Be sure to use credible sources and reference it properly.
The book “When Technology Fails” is available at the library on reserve. You can sign itout at the reserve desk. Additionally, there are several other books on engineering disasters in the library.
The result of this assignment, which you will submit through UR Courses and Turnitin, will be a formal research paper. It is expected that you will use the tools you have learned in class that are related to: outlining, referencing, writing style, organization, and academic writing expectations.
This paper is a research report, and not an essay. You are expected to demonstrate your ability to critically think when analyzing the disaster as it relates to engineering. The following outline is a guideline you may use in writing your report and it is recommended that you include each of the sections. However, it is expected that you will personalize it through sub-sections, additional sections, etc., in order to meet the needs of your report.
- Title Page
- Abstract
- Table of Contents
- List of Tables (if required) - List of Figures (if required) - Introduction
- Relevant body sections
osections and sub-sections might include: analysis of cause, impacts on
engineering practice, recommendations for future practice, etc. - Conclusion
- References (using APA referencing format that you practiced in your first assignment)
- Appendices (if any)
The body of the paper should be 10-12 pages in length, double spaced. This length is for the content (from Introduction to Conclusion) and does not include the abstract, table of contents, references, appendices, or list of tables and figures. The font should be 12 point, Times New Roman. The margin should be one inch (or 2.54 cm) on the top, bottom and both sides. It is expected that you number the pages, since you will include
a table of contents. Paragraphs should be separated from each other with a blank line (i.e. double spaced between paragraphs). It is also expected that you number your sections (and sub-sections) that are within the body of your paper (e.g. 1.0 Introduction... 1.1 Objective... 1.2 Scope of topic... 2.0 The Sinking of the Titanic... 2.1 The Design of the Titanic... 2.2 Impacts of the accident... etc.)