Interpersonal Conflicts Submit Feedback Reflect in ePortfolio Previous Next Show Description Hide Description Part I: Science and Art "Selecting the most effective strategy is the science of conflict...

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Interpersonal Conflicts

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Part I: Science and Art

"Selecting the most effective strategy is the science of conflict management; applying it skillfully is the art."

  1. What do we need to do, in order to achieve the knowledge and attain the skills of Conflict Resolution Management (CRM)?

  2. Discuss in your answer the different types of conflict: Personal, Substantive, etc.

Part II: Interpersonal Conflicts

Some sources of Interpersonal Conflicts, are:

a. Personal differences (needs, wants)

b. Having to coexist in close proximity

c. Limited resources

d. The quest for power and dominance

e. Differences in beliefs and color (ethnic, race, religion)

  1. Choose
    of the above (if possible a different item from other postings) and explain if it can be overcome.

  2. Can we bridge the difference stemming from this type of source, or is it a “lost cause”'?

I need 2-3 paragraphs, APA, 2-3 in-text citations, 2-3 references

All Modules · Shachar, M. (2011). Conflict Resolution Management (CRM) Textbook. · Shachar, M. (2014) Conflict Resolution Management (CRM) PowerPoint Presentations. Module 1 Assigned Readings—Scholarly Journals, including peer-reviewed Guttman, H.M. (2009). Conflict Management as a Core Competency for HR Professionals. People and Strategy. New York: 2009. Vol. 32, Iss. 1; p. 32. Leung, A. S. M. (2008). Interpersonal conflict and resolution strategies; An examination of Hong Kong employees. Team Performance Management. Bradford: 2008. Vol. 14, Iss. 3/4; p. 165.
Answered Same DayFeb 23, 2020

Answer To: Interpersonal Conflicts Submit Feedback Reflect in ePortfolio Previous Next Show Description Hide...

Soumi answered on Feb 24 2020
151 Votes
of Contents
Part I: Science and Art    3
1. Ways to achieve knowledge and gain skills of Conflict Resolution Management (CRM)    3
2. Various types of Conflicts    3
Part II: Interpersonal Conflicts    3
1. Overcoming Personal Differences    3
2. Possibility of closing the Gap between Personal Differences    3
References    4
Part I: Science and Art
1. Ways to achieve knowledge and gain skills of Conflict Resolution Management (CRM)
    CRM skills and knowledge can be gained primarily by acquiring the skills of being an active listener. As supported by Shachar (2011), one has to be patient and listen to both the sides of the conflicting parties or individuals, so that decision-making can be unbiased with the achievement of clarity in terms of the conflict. Besides, being able to frame resolving strategies that consider both...

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