International Paper Students will be asked to choose one of the following countries and learn everything that they can about the nonverbal communication of people from that country. (Japan, Korea,...

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International Paper Students will be asked to choose one of the following countries and learn everything that they can about the nonverbal communication of people from that country. (Japan, Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Russia, Columbia, Austria, Africa, Costa Rica, China, Germany, Nigeria, India, France, Israel, Jordan, or any country of your choosing, ​other than your own​) Students will prepare an 3-4 page paper that compares and contrasts the NONVERBALl of the specified country to that of the United States. The paper should include a minimum of 2 outside sources, including an interview with at least one person from the country you choose. (10% of Final Grade) Non Verbal Assignment: Purpose: ​Creating Cross Cultural Understanding Interview an individual from a different culture than your own. Focus on questions directed more towards their cultural Nonverbal cultural characteristics… Sample Questions below (You can add some of your own of course) 1.How is touch perceived in your country? (what touch is accepted and what touch is not) 2.How does dress play a role in your culture? 3.How does food play a role in your culture? 4.What would you like to change in your own culture AND in American culture? 5.How has your nonverbal communication helped or hindered you in becoming who you are today?
Answered Same DaySep 23, 2021

Answer To: International Paper Students will be asked to choose one of the following countries and learn...

Shalini answered on Sep 26 2021
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Title: Non Verbal Communication of India in Contrast to United States
    The essay focuses on the nonverbal communication that is used way too much in India and has some specific meaning. It also sheds light
on the aspects that explores how all those nonverbal communication techniques of India are different in their implication in United States. It shows the difference in the culture of both the countries that how a same sign has different meaning. Nonverbal communication is a communication skill, which is often used by the people through gestures, postures, expressions, and the simple signs, which contain a lot of meanings behind them.
Nonverbal Communication in India
    India is known as a land of diverse cultures. People practising different religions and cultures stay together with harmony. India practices several nonverbal communication signs within the country which portrays a different meaning in it. Among all the nonverbal communication skills being practised in India the most famous one is Namaste, which implies folding of hands, keeping the palms face each other and a slight bow to show respect, portray greetings to elderly persons or to persons in power. Touching the feet of elders, is also another non-verbal mode of communication, which implies the showing of respect. In Indian culture nodding is also used for understanding agreement and disagreement of persons. Nodding sideways implies disagreement or negation, while nodding vertically means agreement or affirmation (Burgoon et al.).
Pat on the Head
    In India, touching or patting someone’s head is considered very offensive and taken as a sign of disrespect. But as per the American culture touching or patting someone’s head is considered as the sign of appraisal, friendliness and affection. In America patting or touching someone’s head is sign of portraying well done or good job. Though all these are just nonverbal communication signs but holds a very strong and different value among them (Sautar).
    As stated earlier, nodding sideways means no in simple terms and vertical means yes. In both India and United States, the non-verbal gesture signifies the same thing. A carful multicultural and social view makes it evident that nodding and its meaning tends to remain the same for most of the cultures and it is indeed a universal non-verbal...

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