1. Using a pencil and paper, draw out a few designs for a calculator application.
2. The application will require the following buttons (Numbers 0-9, +, -, *, /,=, c, mod, binary, hex, decimal, sin, cos, and tan). You will also need a text box and a button that makes the number in the text box negative.
3. Create a new branch from your existing main branch. Give the branch a name that will be recognizable to you later as UI work.
4. On your newly created branch, implement an event table that handles click events for every button. Do not use bind for this lab.
5. Use a text control and buttons to create a layout based on one of your designs.
6. Once your lab work is completed, merge your UI work to your main branch.
7. Submit code via Github. Take a picture of your design(s) from the paper and submit via the FSO submission box.