Instructions: Write complete sentences as well as you can Grammar is less important in this assignment than clarity Use course lectures and readings not outside sources Grades need to be turned in on...


Write complete sentences as well as you can Grammar is less important in this

assignment than clarity Use course

lectures and readings not outside sources Grades need to be turned in on time

So it is vital you submit on time Late

exams will be docked up to 20 points per day without prior permission And

don’t plagiarize

For 25 points

each, write on TWO separately in a paragraph or two at the most each

1 Identify and give the significance of the Wagner Act

2 Describe and analyze Pidgin English, also known as Creole


3 Describe and analyze the American Dilemma

4 Describe and analyze Mendez v Westminster

5 Describe and analyze how the Cold War impacted the

Civil Rights Movement

6 Describe and analyze ONE social movement discussed in


7 Identify and give the significance of the GI Bill

8 Identify and give the significance of Jackie Robinson

9 Describe and analyze de-industrialization OR

stagflation Don’t do both

10 Describe and analyze the impact of Prop 13 (Jarvis-Gann


11 Identify and explain the significance of Brown v Board of


12 Identify and explain the significance of the War on


13 Identify and explain the significance of the International

(I) Hotel

For Fifty points,

write on ONE of the following in 2 to 4 paragraphs

1 Explain why people migrated from South Central Asia,

India for example

2 Explain why the Great Depression started

3 Describe and analyze Japanese American internment

during World War II

4 Why do Greenberg and Page in Chapter 10 describe the US

as an “imperfect electoral democracy”

5 Describe and analyze how and why immigration and

naturalization laws changed during and after World War II

6 Describe and analyze Southeast Asian migration to the


7 Describe and analyze the Model Minority Theory

8 Compare and contrast FDR’s New Deal and Reaganomics

May 15, 2022

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