Using the article attached on Depression and Violence. This was found using factorial design. Remember that a factorial design has two or more independent variables, I used the words “depression” and “violence.” Write a description and analysis of the study in such a way that a person who has not seen the study would understand how the study was carried out. Be sure to include the following points:
§ Define the independent variables (there must be at least two).
§ Define the dependent (outcome) variable(s).
§ Identify the hypothesis or hypotheses.
§ Describe any interactions that were found.
§ Summarize the results, noting whether they were significant or not.
Your paper should be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. A minimum of two sources must be used, one of which must be the textbook. Your paper must be in APA style format.
Textbook –
Morling, B. (2017).Research methods in psychology: Evaluating a world of information(3rd ed.). Norton.
Article reference
Splete, H. (2006). Depression and violence.
Clinical Psychiatry News,
34(4), 36.
Depression and violence - Document - Gale OneFile_ Psychology ���������� ����� ����������������������� �������� !"��#�$��%�&'�()*&+�'��*,�-)./0��1234))5�267�8 ������90:)0%;���&'�4%<0�='��0%>>$����#���?@���A���< '���&��b="" ��'��)��&'�="" �'�'c��d���="" �!e="" -0��)c�f�="" �="" g�="" �����="" �="" 2="">H5��I�J�KL���)-+0��)��'*�����))�M�)*=��0=)�5��%N'�0��)&�%&�'��'��%&��')����)O<0� �+*)�&'�="" m�0��%&�="" '�="" �+�="" +'%�)="">0�>< �+����%��='���' ��%��)3="" ���0����="" 90&��*%="" ��="">�+���3�&�P�30< �+�="" q%�m��)��*=""><><0�%�'3 �'%="" h�'%&�)&0="" '%�="" +��="" &0���'n5�)�i+�="" �%m�)��n'�0�)="" '%'�*r��="" �%���m��-="" �'�'="">0�%�'3><�0= s3!te="" n���)="" �%="" n�'��)="" uvs�="" '�="" w="" +�n+="" )&+00�)="" '%�="" t�="�����" )&+00�)="" �%="" �+�="" q%������'��)�i+�="" �'�'="" -���="" �'��="">�0=>< �+�="" ,'��0%'�="">0%N��5��%'���5�*0< ��0��)&�%�="" ��'��+3="" '%�="" �+�="" n���)="" �'���&��'���="" �%="" �+���="" -'m�)="">< '�v+0="��%���M��-)B" �+�="" )�&0%�="" -'m�="" -')="" s="" *�'�=""><��� �+�="" x�)�3="" '%�="" �+�="" �+���="" -')="" tv!="" *�'�)="">���><��� �+�="" )�&0%�="" .��&+�="" (���'���="" ��0��)&�="" ;����="" !bs!="" k�u="" v!6�ym��'��3="" �wz="">���>< n���)="" -+0="" ���0����="" +�n+="" ��m��)="">< �����))�0%="" '�="" :')���%�="" '�)0="" ���0����="" )0="�" �*��="">< �%��='���' ��%��="" m�0��%&�-��+�%="" �+�="" �')�="" *�'�="" '�="" �+�="" �+���="" -'m�=""><0��0-v5� �%���m��-3="" &0="�'���" -��+="" su�tz="">0��0-v5�>< n���)="" -��+="" �0-��="" ��m��)="">< �����))�m�)*="��0=)�" ��n+="" ��m��)="">< �����))�0%="" -���="" ��x%��="" ')="" )&0��)="">< �1="" 0�="" +�n+��="" 0%="" �+�="" $�%���=""><0� [����="�0�0N�&" ��5���)="" p����))�0%�&'��3="" '%�="" �+�="" �%&���%&�="">0�>< m�0��%&�="" -')="" '))�))��="" 5)�%n="">
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