A. Lab BSBA BIS245A-4 B. Lab 4 of 7: Completing Queries (40 Points) C. Lab Overview--Scenario/Summary COs: 6. Given a physical database containing tables and relationships and business requirements,...

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Instructions are included as a file. Microsoft Access 2016 or higher is needed to complete.

A. Lab BSBA BIS245A-4 B. Lab 4 of 7: Completing Queries (40 Points) C. Lab Overview--Scenario/Summary COs: 6. Given a physical database containing tables and relationships and business requirements, create the necessary queries. Scenario/Summary We can collect all the data in the world; however, if we can’t access it and use it, it is probably useless. Gaining knowledge from stored data can be very beneficial when it comes to making important business decisions. This lab will give the student practice in querying or questioning data. The lab begins with a simple example of query development using Access, then evolves to more complex queries which the student should perform after completing the first exercise. The student can create a query with the wizard or with query design view. Upon completing this lab, you should be able to 1. create a query by following lab instruction; 2. create a query by using either query designer, or query wizard; and 3. interpret and analyze the results of queries. D. Deliverables Submit the MS Access database file YourName_Lab4.accdb that contains the queries created in this lab. Step Deliverable Points Part A Steps 1-3 3 queries: Supplier Contacts High Value Products Product Recalls 24 Part B Steps 1-2 2 queries: Extended Order Prices Order Fulfillment Time 16 E. Lab Steps Preparation 1. Download the file Lab4.accdb from the link provided on the Lab Overview page-> Lab Files. 2. If you are using Citrix for MS Visio or MS Access, follow the login instructions located in the Lab area in the Introduction and Resources, and upload the Lab4.accdb file to your working folder on the Citrix server. (You can see a video about how to do this by clicking the link Saving From Citrix under Citrix Tutorials from Course Resources link listed at the bottom of the Modules page.) Lab Part A: Create Single-table and Multitable Queries Step 1: Create a single-table query In this exercise, you will create the supplier contacts query, which lists all suppliers, the name and title of the contact at each supplier, and the contact’s phone number. a. Open Lab4.accdb found on the Lab Overview page -> Lab Files. Click the File area, click save database as, and then type YourName_Lab4 and click save. b. Click the Create area, and then click query wizard in the queries group to launch the new query wizard. The new query wizard dialog box opens. Simple query wizard is selected by default. c.Click OK. d.In the tables/queries dropdown, select table: suppliers. e.Select SupID from the available fields list, and then click >. Repeat the process with SupCompanyName, SupContactName, SupContactTitle, SupPhone, and SupFax. The six fields should now appear in the selected fields list box. Click next. f.Enter supplier contacts as the query name, and verify that the open the query to view information option is selected. Click finish. This query name describes the data in the query results. Your query should have six fields: SupID, SupCompanyName, SupContactName, SupContactTitle, SupPhone, and SupFax. g. Right-click the supplier contacts area and select close to close the query. Step 2: Create a multi-table query In this exercise, you will create the high value products query that displays all products with a unit price greater than $50 and the supplier of each product. a.Click the create tab, and then click query design. b.In the show table dialog that appears, select the products table and click add; then select the suppliers table and click add. The suppliers and products tables are added to the table area of the query design view. c.Click close to close the show table dialog. d.In the products table, double-click the fields ProdID, ProdName, and ProdUnitPrice to add them to the query design grid in the lower part of the screen. Then, in the suppliers table, double-click the fields SupID and SupCOmpanyName to add them to the grid. (You can also drag and drop each field onto the query design grid.) Your query design grid should now look like the following. e.Click in the sort row in the ProdUnitPrice column, and set the drop down to descending. (This will sort products in descending order by price, from highest price to lowest price.) f.Click in the criteria row in the ProdUnitPrice column, and enter the criterion >50. (This will limit your results to products with a price greater than $50.) Your query design grid should now look like the following. g.Click the save button (disk icon) or press Ctrl+s to save the query. Enter the name high value products and click OK. h.Click run in the results group. i.In the column headings at the top of the query results, click and drag or double-click on the column boundaries to widen the columns as needed, as you would in Excel. Your query results should look like the following. j.Right click on the high value products tab and select close to close the query. If you are prompted to save changes to the layout, click yes. Step 3: Create a query with multiple criteria In this exercise, supplier Lorem Ut Inc. has recalled all products sold on or after 6/1/2011, and supplier Montes Nascetur Inc. has recalled all products sold on or after 8/15/2011. You will create a product recalls query that lists all orders for products subject to these recalls, with the customer contact information for each order. a.Click the create tab, and then click query design. b.In the show table dialog that appears, select and add all five tables in the following order: suppliers, products, OrderLine, orders, and customers. Then click close to close the show table dialog. c.Drag the bottom and right edges of each table box to expand the box to show all the field names. If necessary, drag the boxes by their titles at the top to rearrange them so that the table area in the top half of the screen looks similar to this. d.Add the following fields to the query design grid in the lower half of the screen, either by double clicking on the field name or by dragging and dropping onto the grid. Suppliers table: SupID, SupCompanyName Products table: ProdID, ProdName Orders table: OrderID, OrderDate Customers table: CustID, CustLastName, CustFirstName, CustPhone (Notice that no fields from the OrderLine table are included in the query results; however, OrderLine must be included in the query because it serves as a junction table to relate products to orders.) At this point, your query design grid should look like the following. e.In the criteria row, in the column for SupCompanyName, enter Lorem Ut Inc. (including the period). In the same row, in the column for OrderDate, enter >=6/1/2011. (Notice that when you click away from each cell, Access adds quotation marks around the text entry and pound or number signs (#) around the date entry. This is automatic for text and date criteria.) f.In the or row (immediately below the criteria row), in the SupCompanyName column, enter Montes Nascetur Inc. (including the period). In the same row, in the column for OrderDate, enter >=8/15/2011. (Notice that Access again adds quotation marks around the text criterion and pound or number signs around the date criterion.) Click away from the cell containing 8/15/2011 into any other cell. Your query design grid should now look like the following. g.Click the save button (disk icon) or press Ctrl+s to save the query. Enter the name product recalls and click OK. h.Click run in the results group. i.In the column headings at the top of the query results, click and drag or double click on the column boundaries to widen the columns as needed, as you would in Excel. Your query results should look like the following. j.Right click on the product recalls tab and select close to close the query. If you are prompted to save changes to the layout, click yes. Part B: Create single-table and multitable queries Step 1: Create queries with calculated fields You create the extended order prices query in this exercise. a.Click the create tab, and then click query design in the queries group to start a new query. The show table dialog box opens so you can specify the table(s) and queries to include in the query design. b.Select the orders table, and then click add. Select the OrderLine table, and then click add. Close the show table dialog box. c.Double click the OrderID and OrderDate fields in the orders table to add them to the design grid. d.Double click the ProdID, OrderLineUnitPrice, OrderLineQuantity, and OrderLineDiscount fields in the OrderLine table to add them to the query design grid. Your query design view screen should now look similar to this. e.Right click in the first empty cell in the top row of the query design grid to the right of OrderLineDiscount, and click zoom. f.In the zoom dialog, enter the formula ExtendedPrice: [OrderLineUnitPrice]*[OrderLineQuantity] Click OK to close the zoom dialog. The formula you entered appears in the query design grid. g.Right click in the next empty cell to the right in the top row of the grid, select zoom, and enter the formula DiscountAmount: [ExtendedPrice]*[OrderLineDiscount] Click OK to add this formula to the design grid. h.Right click in the next empty cell to the right in the top row of the grid, select zoom, and enter the formula DiscountedPrice: [ExtendedPrice]-[DiscountAmount] Click OK to add this formula to the design grid. Your query design grid should now look like the following. i.Save the query with the name extended order prices. j.Click run in the results group to view the query results. Adjust the column widths as needed. Your query results should look similar to the following. k.Click the home tab, and then select totals in the records group to add a total row to your query. l.In the Total row at the bottom of the query results screen, click under the DiscountedPrice column. A drop-down arrow will appear on the left side of the cell. Click this drop-down arrow and select Sum from the list that appears. You should now see the total discounted price of all orders in the total row. m.Right click on the Extended Order Price tab and select Close to close the query. If prompted to save your layout changes, click Yes.
Answered Same DaySep 23, 2021

Answer To: A. Lab BSBA BIS245A-4 B. Lab 4 of 7: Completing Queries (40 Points) C. Lab...

Ritu answered on Sep 26 2021
142 Votes
    CustID    CustLastName    CustFirstName    CustStreet    CustCity    CustST    CustPostalCode    CustPhone
    ALLE4527    Allen    David    2845 Bee Street    Grand Rapids    MI    49503    2318137745
    BOHM5454    Bohman    Michael    3581 Buffalo Creek Road    Nashville    TN    37201    6158258530
    CHIL1383    Childers    Eugenia    1696 Northwest Boulevard    Jersey City    NJ    07304    2019785753
    JOHN0850    Johnson    Thomas    148 Carriage Lane    Hawley    PA    18428    5702264847
    LOPE6296    Lopez    Jennifer    4498 Ingram Street    Dayton    OH    45429    9375289024
    KELL2196    Keller    Lois    318-8837 Eleifend Road    Gainesville    DE    84748    8325720444
    BARK4604    Barker    Hilel    Ap #416-933 Nulla Rd.    West Warwick    RI    68307    2556348695
    SNOW4482    Snow    Alden    139-6831 Adipiscing Stree    Gilette    MT    62414    2072797350
    REYE1800    Reyes    Haley    5221 Blandit Ave    Port St. Lucie    WV    04557    2197248220
    BLEV1174    Blevins    Cathleen    Ap #818-1907 Egestas Road    Batavia    MN    95977    9235956918
    HATF7635    Hatfield    Aileen    P.O. Box 325, 7949 A, Rd.    Salem    ND    85075    1358140490
    VILL9293    Villarreal    Leandra    452-1511 Enim St.    North Pole    AL    89525    4852354835
    GREG1892    Gregory    Hiroko    929-9137 Posuere, Street    Jackson    AZ    10839    6349897401
    AUST6602    Austin    Kenyon    P.O. Box 413, 8079 Feugia    Brownsville    ND    56094    3026999488
    GAMB1945    Gamble    Kylan    Ap #360-9297 Nostra, Road    Norton    OH    41672    3323852121
    BENJ6370    Benjamin    Charlotte    P.O. Box 918, 4555 Consec    Fairfield    IA    27227    7445668997
    LARS0503    Larsen    Chadwick    926-9265 Sed Ave    Waco    SD    22137    4106880337
    YORK1806    York    Caryn    2324 Lacinia Avenue    Branson    OR    68348    3704087293
    BRIT3275    Britt    Paki    P.O. Box 313, 4115 Hendre    Cruz Bay    WA    14818    5029856987
    RIOS0537    Rios    Madonna    P.O. Box 201, 4381 Urna A    Little Falls    MT    96627    8769519808
    HARM3228    Harmon    Prescott    Ap #572-8988 Nec Street    Mesquite    HI    64111
    FLET9174    Fletcher    Maite    949-1320 Eget Road    Decatur    HI    12908    6407525451
    BOOK9835    Booker    Mira    646-3623 Condimentum Ave    Two Rivers    WI    00078    2972836912
    COHE1503    Cohen    Mira    7332 Parturient Ave    Ketchikan    CO    78766    6766548520
    HOGA3257    Hogan    Martina    9118 Natoque Road    Moultrie    MN    22837    6054719585
    BURR2909    Burris    Hanae    Ap #454-1028 Sed Rd.    Fargo    AK    90554    7822582120
    GALL8611    Galloway    Burton    Ap #738-5922 Magna. St.    Aurora    ME    45595    5011588704
    ODOM5894    Odom    Deborah    898-645 Duis Avenue    Springfield    CA    67992    4474024129
    ACEV4493    Acevedo    Britanni    Ap #469-2805 Luctus St.    Calumet City    KS    33119    8997131861
    BREW7799    Brewer    Breanna    P.O. Box 357, 4979 Orci R    San Fernando    IA    51512    9531419380
    ONEI5783    Oneill    Xandra    P.O. Box 122, 4942 Ante R    Indio    ME    83095    6107392697
    RAYM1649    Raymond    Upton    7779 Nisi. Rd.    Meadville    VA    96031    8258103210
    MCIN3240    Mcintosh    Beau    P.O. Box 118, 9943 Enim,     Albany    CO    81807    8682863344
    HORT7154    Horton    Russell    3723 Tristique Rd.    Orem    HI    26731    7226204996
    ROME7055    Romero    Lionel    P.O. Box 533, 6223 In, St    Sturgis    ID    68926    3836918270
    GRAV8343    Graves    Deacon    8095 Sapien, Street    Union City    TX    35857    6266428264
    DORS2820    Dorsey    Pascale    Ap #387-8901 Eu Rd.    Rolling Hills Estate    KY    11510    8784546100
    HEND9950    Henderson    Velma    622-7716 Arcu St.    Moultrie    CO    00216    4315302247
    RICH8567    Richardson    Briar    P.O. Box 384, 7981 Enim.     Mason City    KY    17236    3484127381
    GREG2388    Gregory    Amal    1506 Molestie Av.    Wheaton    OH    08739    8461832327
    HOPP1158    Hopper    Katell    602-1402 Eu Ave    Hagerstown    WA    09801    8883867575
    SPEA2366    Spears    Acton    Ap #394-6231 Tempor St.    Clemson    CA    23614    7138217045
    PIER7433    Pierce    Brynne    Ap #939-4544 Egestas. Roa    Murray    AK    63050    3874355638
    SPEN3118    Spencer    Amanda    Ap #668-4360 Erat, Street    Oil City    AK    57666    3068197931
    HEND8665    Hendricks    Victoria    6531 Amet, Ave    Salem    ND    33035    6923694653
    ROSE6548    Rose    Joshua    2306 Dictum. Ave    Brea    SC    56626    9591946878
    HINE0225    Hines    Martin    P.O. Box 727, 8741 Velit     Provo    SD    06305    9612217216
    REIL4303    Reilly    Rachel    Ap #885-1559 Ut, Rd.    West Warwick    WV    81436    5005592715
    SWAN5063    Swanson    Silas    601-8177 Mi St.    Walla Walla    AZ    23750    6659300456
    HEAT6374    Heath    Reuben    347-4237 Porttitor Rd.    Butler    KS    18756    9945092595
    MCCA5735    Mccall    Abdul    Ap #452-9427 Dolor St.    Areceibo    WV    33620    7183772123
    CARE5334    Carey    Jeremy    P.O. Box 504, 1103 Nunc S    Arlington    NJ    57380    7171241078
    SCHU3184    Schultz    Aristotle    263-5775 Quam, St.    East Hartford    IN    36210    8946918610
    CAMP8143    Campbell    Ferdinand    P.O. Box 996, 9781 Congue    Dothan    CA    66623    1962041400
    MOON8874    Mooney    Tate    9176 Venenatis Av.    Charlotte    DC    18521    1977207169
    CARD2014    Cardenas    Brian    P.O. Box 285, 2395 Cras R    Birmingham    WY    92275    4516715487
    MATH0242    Mathews    Marvin    Ap #151-3897 Ornare Stree    Rock Island    NC    86997    8196741808
    BATE9441    Bates    Mari    890-5646 Non, Avenue    Gettysburg    DE    59009    9788570537
    VANG9632    Vang    Iliana    744-6247 Lacus Avenue    Michigan City    NM    13537    1382279164
    STOK1485    Stokes    Martena    919-6089 Velit St.    Bismarck    VT    54458    6941653476
    DALT1631    Dalton    Neil    P.O. Box 715, 4751 Elit A    Christiansted    UT    49937    5721689086
    MAYE6288    Mayer    Dai    3595 Diam Street    Agawam    OH    36325    4754038759
    HANS2314    Hansen    Hayfa    553-9958 Nam Road    Laramie    NY    93014    4887323864
    CONW9522    Conway    Karly    624-1394 Vel Ave    Fairbanks    AL    08432    4626073937
    COCH1577    Cochran    Quin    P.O. Box 841, 3519 Vel, A    Hialeah    NV    60908    9923168429
    CHAP6387    Chapman    Maris    185-3245 Neque Rd.    Alpharetta    WA    28408    1082971102
    SHIE2464    Shields    William    9017 Erat St.    Rancho Cordova    TX    97182    9114104286
    CLAY2536    Clay    Malcolm    Ap #161-2013 Amet, Road    Omaha    SD    70411    4923124365
    GUER0376    Guerrero    Bryar    241 Aliquam St.    Sitka    NH    65248    8183306229
    HOPP0439    Hopper    Kermit    P.O. Box 897, 1769 Ultric    Galveston    OK    72717    4698579302
    GRIF7642    Griffin    Martina    Ap #985-1946 Eleifend Rd.    Stanton    RI    96438    2553389274
    AUST3005    Austin    Nadine    2079 Lorem St.    Parkersburg    MT    50024    8213595148
    HEWI2071    Hewitt    Geoffrey    P.O. Box 343, 7074 Mi Ave    Rehoboth Beach    CO    34216    7171553688
    MERR7051    Merrill    Idola    P.O. Box 477, 4304 Sit St    Auburn Hills    CO    82459    7928690306
    WALT6589    Walter    Glenna    P.O. Box 971, 2654 Pellen    Dubuque    AZ    45798    6121100396
    GARN5658    Garner    Xandra    Ap #967-7344 Magna. Road    Wheeling    SC    02958    5164925237
    FLET5180    Fletcher    Hannah    P.O. Box 443, 1696 Accums    Bend    PA    47846    9665515155
    HEND1193    Henderson    Bert    1509 Netus Ave    Bradbury    UT    24202    3402970635
    COLL4790    Collins    Judith    P.O. Box 699, 7960 Nibh.     Burlington    MT    66897    1401725845
    LANE7084    Lane    Iola    3300 Dictum Avenue    Hornell    AK    65520    5863843343
    CAIN0743    Cain    Octavia    P.O. Box 488, 4564 Nec Av    Midland    NV    87561    3174113741
    COLL1169    Collier    Renee    P.O. Box 691, 3456 Fringi    Brockton    NJ    00135    9106327078
    COX8705    Cox    Aline    P.O. Box 807, 4764 Est Av    Pulaski    MD    77923    1244745808
    CABR4805    Cabrera    Nomlanga    Ap #170-8908 Metus. Av.    Cedar City    PA    28382    1613915363
    RIVA6976    Rivas    Cameron    P.O. Box 351, 5062 Sem, A    Tampa    CT    01711    9948154383
    LARS6481    Larsen    Graiden    Ap #570-2901 Nunc St.    Sedalia    IA    81281    3084173654
    CARV6142    Carver    Alexander    380-3475 Pellentesque, Av    Chino Hills    MI    78909    8116347188
    VAUG0328    Vaughn    Candace    Ap #681-5321 Dui Rd.    Indio    NM    91197    8879760923
    HARR0243    Harrell    Yolanda    4765 Libero. Street    Hermitage    KY    95464    2553531310
    CARE8361    Carey    Philip    P.O. Box 617, 4812 Id St.    Ada    CT    50250    2058564099
    HEST5693    Hester    Caesar    P.O. Box 546, 3255 Risus.    Indianapolis    NH    03171    7843963448
    BOND5962    Bond    Sage    3440 Dolor St.    Clarksville    DE    62825    8299016858
    SALA5713    Salazar    Branden    Ap #186-3311 Nisl Street    Half Moon Bay    AL    35329    9472054944
    BEAC9430    Beach    Brian    P.O. Box 262, 6818 Nulla.    El Paso    MA    75317    7609594315
    WAGN8824    Wagner    Madaline    P.O. Box 553, 5601 Tellus    Laughlin    AK    78092    8559235321
    FULL7282    Fuller    Plato    509-1164 Nascetur Rd.    Port Arthur    VT    47203    1849035628
    WEEK9565    Weeks    Sacha    4658 Nec, Street    Agoura Hills    MT    90982    2295335185
    DOTS7172    Dotson    Brian    874-8521 Nunc Avenue    Concord    AL    41643    6435758701
    BONN4901    Bonner    Kermit    P.O. Box 606, 391 Condime    Blacksburg    MN    35947    4548812260
    ROBE4746    Robertson    Jenette    Ap #853-3564 Eget Av.    Valparaiso    OR    74914    3746581060
    CARD2228    Cardenas    Vivian    787 Aliquam Av.    Escondido    OR    52836    3013254091
    LIVI8729    Livingston    Rashad    431-6882 Mi Rd.    Haverhill    NC    77066    6849470592
    CANN9890    Cannon    Isaiah    Ap #838-8891 Morbi St.    Torrance    LA    06950    6213970375
    BURC3171    Burch    Otto    P.O. Box 335, 5293 Dolor.    Fernley    LA    20452    5211383402
    CONR3475    Conrad    Charde    Ap #814-6442 Penatibus Av    South Portland    UT    39450    7553705918
    ProdID    OrderID    OrderLineUnitPrice    OrderLineQuantity    OrderLineDiscount
    FE5686    9899    ¤ 33.47    5    0
    JE5230    3175    ¤ 41.94    4    0
    KP6538    9899    ¤ 72.58    2    0
    SM7672    3175    ¤ 90.65    1    0
    SM7672    9899    ¤ 90.65    4    0
    ZA7515    3304    ¤ 59.95    92    0
    BA9108    3304    ¤ 15.91    64    0
    VL6462    3304    ¤ 53.80    35    0
    AS1546    7692    ¤ 52.79    76    0
    IL9872    7692    ¤ 68.22    32    0
    KA6935    7692    ¤ 29.13    81    0
    KE2874    7692    ¤ 33.19    40    0
    NI8969    7527    ¤ 69.00    64    0
    CH9567    7527    ¤ 6.15    99    0
    NA0616    7527    ¤ 22.79    56    0
    KE6515    7527    ¤ 99.71    40    0
    IO1682    7527    ¤ 79.75    26    0
    VI8878    7527    ¤ 39.02    10    0
    AS1546    7527    ¤ 52.79    92    0
    AU3958    7527    ¤ 81.44    18    0
    JO2429    7527    ¤ 16.01    60    0
    RA1309    7527    ¤ 57.00    28    0
    BA6439    7527    ¤ 94.41    44    0
    NI3219    7527    ¤ 84.13    2    0
    MA3688    7527    ¤ 62.65    44    0
    RA3217    3369    ¤ 31.15    44    0
    SA8406    3369    ¤ 27.14    52    0
    AM0342    4199    ¤ 70.38    69    0
    JO2997    4199    ¤ 14.76    82    0
    ED7637    4199    ¤ 2.53    43    0
    GE7939    8680    ¤ 52.67    53    0
    BA9983    8680    ¤ 46.13    47    0
    VE4289    8680    ¤ 5.48    15    0
    OD1920    8680    ¤ 74.62    49    0
    SK2181    0122    ¤ 86.51    15    0
    TR4254    0122    ¤ 9.53    17    0
    BA6439    0122    ¤ 94.41    86    0
    LI1629    0122    ¤ 53.23    91    0
    AD1447    6489    ¤ 3.75    74    0
    UM9807    6489    ¤ 6.26    54    0
    JE7031    6489    ¤ 50.36    92    0
    TR4254    6489    ¤ 9.53    22    0
    VE4289    6489    ¤ 5.48    8    0
    JA5953    6489    ¤ 71.21    47    0
    BA9108    1337    ¤ 15.91    54    0
    CO2301    1337    ¤ 23.14    13    0
    AI7268    2505    ¤ 66.31    25    0
    GE2818    2505    ¤ 18.04    27    0
    CA3471    2505    ¤ 36.07    10    0
    SO3242    2505    ¤ 84.58    1    0
    CI3967    2505    ¤ 32.72    93    0
    LE7183    2505    ¤ 57.97    16    0
    CO3591    9075    ¤ 68.46    21    0
    JA4619    9075    ¤ 39.11    9    0
    TR4254    9075    ¤ 9.53    58    0
    VE4289    9075    ¤ 5.48    31    0
    CO6792    2602    ¤ 61.39    95    0
    MA6698    2602    ¤ 25.29    94    0
    CO2301    2602    ¤ 23.14    25    0
    SI6678    2602    ¤ 68.12    84    0
    SA3116    2602    ¤ 88.09    36    0
    AD1571    2602    ¤ 37.07    29    0
    RA1309    8968    ¤ 57.00    24    0
    CH9567    8968    ¤ 6.15    67    0
    KN6227    7975    ¤ 64.98    97    0
    MA0036    4928    ¤ 51.48    15    0
    RE2294    5718    ¤ 92.32    44    0
    AI7268    5718    ¤ 66.31    5    0
    DA0505    7963    ¤ 77.36    60    0
    OD1920    7963    ¤ 74.62    99    0
    CH1079    7963    ¤ 31.53    14    0
    KA6935    7963    ¤ 29.13    34    0
    LU8590    7963    ¤ 86.78    97    0
    MA3688    7963    ¤ 62.65    2    0
    VE4289    7963    ¤ 5.48    34    0
    JE2384    4288    ¤ 63.48    10    0
    JO2997    4288    ¤ 14.76    89    0
    LU8590    7750    ¤ 86.78    20    0
    HA5049    7750    ¤ 19.90    60    0
    SK2181    7750    ¤ 86.51    67    0
    AM0342    7750    ¤ 70.38    53    0
    DE9604    7750    ¤ 65.59    45    0
    RH4118    7750    ¤ 20.80    32    0
    ZA7515    7750    ¤ 59.95    88    0
    JE2384    7750    ¤ 63.48    62    0
    SI3562    7750    ¤ 71.88    3    0
    VI8878    8571    ¤ 39.02    6    0
    EV4253    8571    ¤ 39.50    86    0
    IL9872    8571    ¤ 68.22    96    0
    PA0932    8571    ¤ 37.12    63    0
    YA7689    8571    ¤ 67.28    20    0
    CO6792    8571    ¤ 61.39    13    0
    UM9807    8571    ¤ 6.26    34    0
    HA5049    3160    ¤ 19.90    73    0
    MA6698    3160    ¤ 25.29    88    0
    AM0342    3160    ¤ 70.38    16    0
    EM0292    3160    ¤ 91.84    46    0
    KE9077    4295    ¤ 44.80    23    0
    MA7554    4295    ¤ 0.98    78    0
    UT7018    4295    ¤ 28.61    60    0
    GE2818    4295    ¤ 18.04    57    0
    KA6159    4295    ¤ 26.18    63    0
    AS1546    4295    ¤ 52.79    52    0
    BA6250    4295    ¤ 43.36    44    0
    CO6792    4295    ¤ 61.39    80    0
    KE2874    4295    ¤ 33.19    60    0
    AM0283    1995    ¤ 83.17    33    0
    NA0616    1995    ¤ 22.79    90    0
    CH1079    5822    ¤ 31.53    17    0
    PA8399    5822    ¤ 79.03    27    0
    BR1474    5822    ¤ 16.90    70    0
    VE4289    5822    ¤ 5.48    88    0
    AD1571    5822    ¤ 37.07    15    0
    CH1079    5215    ¤ 31.53    42    0
    ZE7250    5215    ¤ 54.76    39    0
    VI8878    5510    ¤ 39.02    90    0
    LI1629    5510    ¤ 53.23    64    0
    KA6159    5510    ¤ 26.18    9    0
    KY7015    5510    ¤ 73.55    44    0
    JO2429    4505    ¤ 16.01    53    0
    VE4289    6034    ¤ 5.48    96    0
    CA7184    6034    ¤ 39.53    33    0
    KA6840    6034    ¤ 12.47    62    0
    CA0306    5990    ¤ 36.85    63    0
    JA4619    5990    ¤ 39.11    75    0
    AS1546    5990    ¤ 52.79    43    0
    CA3624    5990    ¤ 36.29    26    0
    RH4118    5990    ¤ 20.80    58    0
    HI3475    5990    ¤ 8.02    85    0
    MA3809    5990    ¤ 81.27    79    0
    ED7637    5990    ¤ 2.53    11    0
    AM0342    3576    ¤ 70.38    37    0
    RA3217    3576    ¤ 31.15    3    0
    JO3795    3576    ¤ 60.45    56    0
    EM0292    3576    ¤ 91.84    30    0
    IO1682    0920    ¤ 79.75    14    0
    AS1546    5686    ¤ 52.79    98    0
    LE7183    5686    ¤ 57.97    49    0
    UM9807    5686    ¤ 6.26    61    0
    SO3242    5686    ¤ 84.58    67    0
    KA6159    5686    ¤ 26.18    21    0
    CA3624    5686    ¤ 36.29    41    0
    SA3116    5686    ¤ 88.09    66    0
    BA6250    5686    ¤ 43.36    69    0
    CH1079    5686    ¤ 31.53    18    0
    NA0616    5686    ¤ 22.79    23    0
    JO3795    5686    ¤ 60.45    9    0
    HI3475    5686    ¤ 8.02    55    0
    LA9845    5686    ¤ 37.12    37    0
    MA6698    5686    ¤ 25.29    83    0
    AI7268    4736    ¤ 66.31    32    0
    JE2384    4736    ¤ 63.48    51    0
    ED7637    9487    ¤ 2.53    60    0
    KY7015    9487    ¤ 73.55    83    0
    DA0505    9487    ¤ 77.36    75    0
    BR9126    9487    ¤ 11.81    72    0
    EM0292    8515    ¤ 91.84    19    0
    SK2181    7976    ¤ 86.51    46    0
    KI1625    7976    ¤ 23.12    40    0
    AD1571    7976    ¤ 37.07    35    0
    JE7031    7976    ¤ 50.36    3    0
    PA0932    6515    ¤ 37.12    80    0
    JO2997    6515    ¤ 14.76    84    0
    AS1546    6515    ¤ 52.79    58    0
    KE2874    6515    ¤ 33.19    46    0
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    CO2301    2496    ¤ 23.14    87    0
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    KA6840    2148    ¤ 12.47    27    0
    CH1079    2148    ¤ 31.53    23    0
    NI3219    2148    ¤ 84.13    94    0
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    KY7015    5017    ¤ 73.55    98    0
    NI3219    2376    ¤ 84.13    15    0
    CA7184    2376    ¤ 39.53    75    0
    SO3242    2376    ¤ 84.58    60    0
    RE2294    2376    ¤ 92.32    82    0
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    NA3807    2376    ¤ 15.24    18    0
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    WH5712    6025    ¤ 30.25    89    0
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    CI3967    7248    ¤ 32.72    1    0
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    EM0292    7248    ¤ 91.84    60    0
    OD1920    7248    ¤ 74.62    26    0
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    SI3562    7248    ¤ 71.88    62    0
    AU3958    7248    ¤ 81.44    20    0
    VI8878    3386    ¤ 39.02    70    0
    NI8969    3386    ¤ 69.00    37    0
    AM0283    3386    ¤ 83.17    52    0
    MA0036    3386    ¤ 51.48    64    0
    KI1625    3386    ¤ 23.12    25    0
    CA0306    3386    ¤ 36.85    65    0
    LU8590    3386    ¤ 86.78    6    0
    JO3795    3386    ¤ 60.45    50    0
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    HI3475    6003    ¤ 8.02    73    0
    CA7184    6003    ¤ 39.53    54    0
    CH9567    6003    ¤ 6.15    36    0
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    GE2818    3651    ¤ 18.04    13    0
    CO6792    3651    ¤ 61.39    34    0
    JE2384    3651    ¤ 63.48    14    0
    KA6840    3651    ¤ 12.47    60    0
    JA5953    3651    ¤ 71.21    65    0
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    LU8590    4027    ¤ 86.78    74    0
    IN4236    3958    ¤ 9.66    50    0
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    JO2429    9038    ¤ 16.01    59    0
    HA5049    9038    ¤ 19.90    35    0
    CO2301    9038    ¤ 23.14    48    0
    KY8207    0598    ¤ 25.82    42    0
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    KA6159    0598    ¤ 26.18    50    0
    CO6792    1900    ¤ 61.39    44    0
    IN4236    0345    ¤ 9.66    74    0
    JO2997    0345    ¤ 14.76    25    0
    JO2997    8035    ¤ 14.76    17    0
    PA8399    8014    ¤ 79.03    91    0
    MA7554    8014    ¤ 0.98    84    0
    LE7183    6229    ¤ 57.97    14    0
    MA3809    6229    ¤ 81.27    30    0
    NA0616    2901    ¤ 22.79    10    0
    UT7018    2901    ¤ 28.61    18    0
    UT7018    7114    ¤ 28.61    54    0
    CA7184    7114    ¤ 39.53    50    0
    BA9983    2404    ¤ 46.13    48    0
    SO3242    2404    ¤ 84.58    9    0
    SI3562    2404    ¤ 71.88    68    0
    HA5049    2404    ¤ 19.90    98    0
    SE9459    2404    ¤ 74.08    75    0
    MA7554    2404    ¤ 0.98    63    0
    MA6698    2404    ¤ 25.29    36    0
    CA5583    2404    ¤ 29.67    44    0
    NI3219    2404    ¤ 84.13    78    0
    JO2429    2404    ¤ 16.01    11    0
    EM0292    2404    ¤ 91.84    57    0
    VL6462    5400    ¤ 53.80    55    0
    HI3475    5400    ¤ 8.02    46    0
    BA9108    5400    ¤ 15.91    40    0
    KN6227    3066    ¤ 64.98    66    0
    JE8366    3066    ¤ 97.92    16    0
    DE5598    3066    ¤ 55.51    56    0
    IL9872    3066    ¤ 68.22    45    0
    IN6611    3066    ¤ 83.97    68    0
    NA3807    6380    ¤ 15.24    65    0
    CA3471    6380    ¤ 36.07    68    0
    EV4253    6380    ¤ 39.50    77    0
    UM9807    1192    ¤ 6.26    22    0
    GE2818    7498    ¤ 18.04    73    0
    KY7015    0310    ¤ 73.55    69    0
    RE4593    0310    ¤ 32.25    32    0
    OD1920    5090    ¤ 74.62    77    0
    RA3217    6716    ¤ 31.15    41    0
    CA0306    6716    ¤ 36.85    20    0
    NI3219    6716    ¤ 84.13    13    0
    BA9108    6716    ¤ 15.91    89    0
    CA5583    6716    ¤ 29.67    33    0
    AS1546    6716    ¤ 52.79    70    0
    OD1920    6716    ¤ 74.62    62    0
    AM0283    6403    ¤ 83.17    43    0
    YA7689    6403    ¤ 67.28    42    0
    VE4289    6403    ¤ 5.48    87    0
    ZA7515    6403    ¤ 59.95    87    0
    ED7637    6403    ¤ 2.53    93    0
    CA7184    9750    ¤ 39.53    49    0
    NA0616    9750    ¤ 22.79    79    0
    MA6698    9750    ¤ 25.29    54    0
    CA0306    9750    ¤ 36.85    2    0
    SA8406    9750    ¤ 27.14    18    0
    MA3809    9750    ¤ 81.27    45    0
    IL9872    9750    ¤ 68.22    46    0
    LE7183    9750    ¤ 57.97    55    0
    DA0505    9750    ¤ 77.36    98    0
    HA5049    9750    ¤ 19.90    11    0
    CA7184    8213    ¤ 39.53    59    0
    KA6840    8213    ¤ 12.47    100    0
    ED7637    8213    ¤ 2.53    43    0
    YA7689    7377    ¤ 67.28    27    0
    HA5049    7377    ¤ 19.90    12    0
    CO6792    7377    ¤ 61.39    90    0
    DE5598    7377    ¤ 55.51    24    0
    GE7939    7377    ¤ 52.67    64    0
    DA0505    6307    ¤ 77.36    9    0
    IN6611    3762    ¤ 83.97    97    0
    BA9983    3762    ¤ 46.13    39    0
    CA7184    4383    ¤ 39.53    36    0
    NI3219    4383    ¤ 84.13    87    0
    RA1309    0448    ¤ 57.00    43    0
    HA5049    5777    ¤ 19.90    99    0
    RA3217    5777    ¤ 31.15    9    0
    ED7637    5777    ¤ 2.53    70    0
    MA7554    5777    ¤ 0.98    6    0
    EV4253    2279    ¤ 39.50    64    0
    KN6227    2279    ¤ 64.98    14    0
    WH5712    2279    ¤ 30.25    84    0
    JA5953    2279    ¤ 71.21    78    0
    IN6611    2279    ¤ 83.97    84    0
    LU5918    8193    ¤ 31.49    11    0
    DE9604    8193    ¤ 65.59    6    0
    NA0616    0470    ¤ 22.79    70    0
    EM0292    0470    ¤ 91.84    14    0
    CA5583    0470    ¤ 29.67    41    0
    IN4236    5948    ¤ 9.66    34    0
    EM0292    5948    ¤ 91.84    15    0
    KA6935    5948    ¤...

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