Instructions: 1. Find an article or video on a current event. 2. Parapgraph 1- give I formation on where you got the article from, who wrote it or what site, etc.... 3. Paragraph 2- summarize the...

1 answer below »
1. Find an article or video on a current event.
2. Parapgraph 1- give I formation on where you got the article from, who wrote it or what site, etc....
3. Paragraph 2- summarize the events in the story.
4. Paragraph 3- select one of the 3 main sociological theories and apply it to the story. Make sure your explanations are clear.
5. Paragraph 4- Reaction. Comment about your thoughts based on intellectual and sociological understanding of the story, event, behaviors.
Answered Same DayMar 01, 2021

Answer To: Instructions: 1. Find an article or video on a current event. 2. Parapgraph 1- give I formation on...

Azra S answered on Mar 02 2021
153 Votes
Britain and Brexit
The Article
The article I found is titled “Why Britain Left” published on the Atlantic website. It
has been authored by David Frum and can be found at
It relates to the Brexit deal and Britain’s exit from the European Union due on March 29. 2019.
The article highlights the reasons for the increasing unrest amongst the Britons who feel out of place in their own country and even out of it. It goes further to highlight why Brexit is of concern for the Americans as America has always favoured Britain-in Europe firstly because U.K-E.U as a single market speed U.S business.The US also takes interest because of the fear of Anti-Americanism prevailing in the absence of Britain.
The writer goes on to highlight the need for Brexit and mentions the reasons for the exit of Briton from the European Union, blaming the immigration crisis. The author also provides some statistics. 630,000 foreign nationals settled in Britain in 2015. British population grew from 57m (1990) to 65 million (2015) and is set to reach 70m in a decade. The highlight is that half of this growth is immigration...

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