Instructions: 1. Create a console program that will perform the following: Ask the user to enter the pieces of apple. Ask the user to enter the total price of the apple(s). • Print the total price of...

I need help please with a screenshot of the code and the output, thank you very much

Instructions:<br>1. Create a console program that will perform the following:<br>Ask the user to enter the pieces of apple.<br>Ask the user to enter the total price of the apple(s).<br>• Print the total price of the entered pieces of apple(s).<br>Convert the entered price into a whole number, then display the values of the original<br>price and the converted price.<br>2. Name the project as DataTypesApp and the class as DataTypesProgram.<br>3. Example output:<br>O file:///C:/Users<br>/Documents/Visual Studio 2015/Projects/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp/b.<br>Enter the pieces of apple: 6<br>Enter total price of 6 apple(s): 105.50<br>The total price of 6 apple(s) is 105.5<br>The value of original price is 105.5<br>The value of converted price is 105<br>Press any key to exit.....<br>

Extracted text: Instructions: 1. Create a console program that will perform the following: Ask the user to enter the pieces of apple. Ask the user to enter the total price of the apple(s). • Print the total price of the entered pieces of apple(s). Convert the entered price into a whole number, then display the values of the original price and the converted price. 2. Name the project as DataTypesApp and the class as DataTypesProgram. 3. Example output: O file:///C:/Users /Documents/Visual Studio 2015/Projects/ConsoleApp/ConsoleApp/b. Enter the pieces of apple: 6 Enter total price of 6 apple(s): 105.50 The total price of 6 apple(s) is 105.5 The value of original price is 105.5 The value of converted price is 105 Press any key to exit.....

Jun 10, 2022

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