Institutional Investors and Corporate GovernanceGo to the Web site for Fidelity Investments, the large mutual fund family. Look up the following three mutual funds: Fidelity Magellan Fund, Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund, and Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund.For each fund, identify the top five stocks currently held by Fidelity and the cumulative holdings of Fidelity in these stocks across the three funds. Identify the additional holdings of these same firms’ stock that Fidelity has in its other mutual funds.With this information in hand, evaluate the overall influence that Fidelity has on top managers of these firms. Contrast this influence to individual shareholders’ influence, which you described in Assignment 1.Discuss whether the movement toward institutional holdings is a “good thing” or a “bad thing” for individual shareholders and corporate governance in general. Give reasons for your views.
Assignment 2: Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance Go to the Web site for Fidelity Investments, the large mutual fund family. Look up the following three mutual funds: Fidelity Magellan Fund, Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund, and Fidelity Large Cap Stock Fund. For each fund, identify the top five stocks currently held by Fidelity and the cumulative holdings of Fidelity in these stocks across the three funds. Identify the additional holdings of these same firms’ stock that Fidelity has in its other mutual funds. With this information in hand, evaluate the overall influence that Fidelity has on top managers of these firms. Contrast this influence to individual shareholders’ influence, which you described in Assignment 1. Discuss whether the movement toward institutional holdings is a “good thing” or a “bad thing” for individual shareholders and corporate governance in general. Give reasons for your views. Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsSummarized information about Fidelity holdings in its top five stocks4Estimated the influence of Fidelity on top managers of the companies8Contrasted the influence of Fidelity with the influence of individual shareholders8Formulated opinion on whether institutional holdings are good or bad for shareholders and corporate governance, giving reasons12
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