Input 1. Total number of men 2. Numbers of the men 3. First number of the enemy Constraints This is guaranteed to be lesser than the second number of the enemy 4. Second number of the enemy Output...

Input<br>1. Total number of men<br>2. Numbers of the men<br>3. First number of the enemy<br>Constraints<br>This is guaranteed to be lesser than the second number<br>of the enemy<br>4. Second number of the enemy<br>Output<br>Enter-the-total·number-of-our-men:-5<br>Men #1:-139<br>Men #2:-100<br>Men #3:-44<br>Men #4:-88<br>Men #5: 200<br>Enemy-#1:-50<br>Enemy-#2:-150<br>Men-Cornered:<br>139-100-88<br>

Extracted text: Input 1. Total number of men 2. Numbers of the men 3. First number of the enemy Constraints This is guaranteed to be lesser than the second number of the enemy 4. Second number of the enemy Output Enter-the-total·number-of-our-men:-5 Men #1:-139 Men #2:-100 Men #3:-44 Men #4:-88 Men #5: 200 Enemy-#1:-50 Enemy-#2:-150 Men-Cornered: 139-100-88
Find the C program language<br>Cornered!<br>by CodeChum Admin<br>Attention again soldier!<br>Our men have been cornered by the enemy and we<br>need to save them or else this mission will fail.<br>The first thing we need to do is to identify them, the<br>ones cornered by the enemy! LET'S MOVE!<br>Instructions:<br>Ask the user for an integer input which represents the<br>total number of men we have in the field. Then, ask the<br>user for the numbers of each of the men. Finally, ask<br>the user for two numbers which represents the enemies<br>who have cornered our men.<br>Then, print all the numbers of our men who have been<br>cornered by the enemy (i.e. the numbers that are in<br>between the two numbers of the enemy).<br>

Extracted text: Find the C program language Cornered! by CodeChum Admin Attention again soldier! Our men have been cornered by the enemy and we need to save them or else this mission will fail. The first thing we need to do is to identify them, the ones cornered by the enemy! LET'S MOVE! Instructions: Ask the user for an integer input which represents the total number of men we have in the field. Then, ask the user for the numbers of each of the men. Finally, ask the user for two numbers which represents the enemies who have cornered our men. Then, print all the numbers of our men who have been cornered by the enemy (i.e. the numbers that are in between the two numbers of the enemy).

Jun 08, 2022

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