Computer Engineering
Q&A Library
Function: Create a function which accepts patient id and display the patients name, date admitted. Sample output is: The patient name is Maryam, she got admitted on 12-Feb-2020
Function: Create a function which accepts patient id and display the patients name, date admitted. Sample output is: The patient name is Maryam, she got admitted on 12-Feb-2020
Create a function which accepts patient id and display the patients name, date admitted.
Sample output is:
The patient name is Maryam, she got admitted on 12-Feb-2020
Write a Procedure that accepts patient id and display the patient id, name, test name and result.
Create a package which contains the above created procedure in the specification.
Create package body of the above given procedure. And finally call the procedure created above by passing the patient id then display the output as shown below:
Sample output:
Patient id is: P0232
Patient Name is: Ms Marwa Al Battashi
Test Taken: X-Ray
Result: Negative
Create a row level trigger which insert a tuple into the patients_audit (patient-id, name, date-admitted, doctor-id) table whenever a record is added to the patient and doctors table.
Draw an ERD diagram for the above tables with appropriate entities, attributes, constraints, participants, relationships using any online tool such as