Hi - I am running a regression analysis for the following categories and want to make sure I have everything set up correctly. I am evaluating the reliability of the following job titles based on their education, and the number of respondents using the parameters in the attached images.

Extracted text: Industry Years Experience** Salary 85,617.65 115,266.35 Industry 3 VC 6. Accounting 1. 9 147,110.11 12 176,053.90 1 3 50,000.00 **Years Experience contains all values below IE 3 would be 0 years experience to 3, 6 is 4 years 1 6 75,000.00 1 105,000.00 1 12 120,000.00 experience to 6 Number of Average Advanced Degree - Position Advanced Degree Respondents Salary 63,400.00 Graduate + including MBA 5 No 1 21 91,993.81 Yes 1 38 129,466.18 26 165,795.08 3 Position Analyst Associate 72,500.00 12 107,341.33 20 113,881.40 13 161,109.36 2. 1 1 1 Principle 1 3 Director 3

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