Individual Case PaperReflect on an ethical challenge that you have identified and address the following questions in an 8-10 page paper. Think of this paper as a case study, informed by what has been...

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Individual Case PaperReflect on an ethical challenge that you have identified and address the following questions in an 8-10 page paper. Think of this paper as a case study, informed by what has been learned in this course. The subject of the ethical challenge can be a company in the news, a personal work situation that a student has experienced, or a work situation that another person has shared with the student. However, students may not use a company that has already been discussed in the course (which are Volkswagen, Wells Fargo, Patagonia, Apple and New Balance). The following should be included in the paper:1. Background - describe the company/individual(s) that is/are the focus of the paper.2. Identify and describe the ethical challenge(s) that was/were faced; what were the differing points of view or choices that were presented? Use and discuss concepts learned in this course to describe the ethical challenge being discussed?3. Discuss the leadership and/or followership issues involved in this ethical challenge or that contributed to this situation becoming an ethical challenge. Use and discuss concepts learned in this course to describe the leadership and/or followership issues being discussed?4. How did the ethical challenge get resolved?5. What principles or approaches were discussed in this course that will assist in assessing ethical issues with similar characteristics that may be encountered in the future? Based on the learning from this course, is there anything that might have been done differently?6. Plan for the future - How might the knowledge and shills acquired in this course be utilized as an organizational or team leader in the future?7. Summary or Conclusion.Papers are graded for content, presentation, and formatting. Evaluation of all written work will focus on the following: Content• Demonstrates insight into the topic and integration of relevant and theoretical ideas drawn from course content, live class discussions, and other appropriate sources.• Demonstrates depth of analysis and substantive knowledge.• The paper adequately fulfills the requirements listed above. Presentation• Clear, easy to follow writing style - include an introduction and a conclusion.• The paper is well organized (beginning, middle and end).• The paper is clearly written (logical flow of ideas).• Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied structure that makes reading easy.• The student demonstrates a strong grasp of standard writing conventions including spelling, grammar, punctuation, word usage, and uses this ability to enhance the paper's readability.• APA formatting is used correctly throughout the paper and in the reference section. Formatting• Typed with 2.0 or 1.5 line spacing; 1” margins on all sides.• 12-point font.• Please do not exceed the page limit.• Well organized. Use subheadings – they show your train of thought and help upgrade your thinking.• References and/or works cited listed at the end.• Appendices as needed. Apply graduate level, standard English grammar and spelling. If written English is not one of your strengths, you may wish to receive some help from a writing coach or tutor. See for additional assistance. References to course materials: Simple mention of Author (Year) is preferred in the body of the paper. You may want to consider using the following website that helps to manage all of your references (it automatically finds and formats your citations in APA style):
Answered Same DayApr 13, 2021

Answer To: Individual Case PaperReflect on an ethical challenge that you have identified and address the...

Moumita answered on Apr 15 2021
146 Votes
Page 10 of 12
Table of Contents
Background    3
Ethical challenges faced by Vodafone    3
Issues in ethical challenge    4
Resolve of the ethical challenge    5
Principles of ethical issues in leadership    7
Plan for future    8
Conclusion    10
References    11
There are multiple technical approaches that a company can adopt and use in the process of ethical consideration. There are several opportunities in maintaining a high standard of ethical consideration in the working procedures of the com
pany. Several principles satisfy several strategies towards the moral of the company. To have proper moral standards there is the necessity to understand the basics and be aware of the moral issues that are faced by the company (Dörr & Hollnbuchner, 2017). Duty, whenever discharged, must be considered with ethical consideration to give a meaning to the job done and also find purpose in the company's scheme.
Vodafone is a multinational company with its headquarters in London, UK founded in 1982. It is ranked the fourth largest group of telecommunication services globally and provides services to more than 313 million people as of 2018. The company operates in more than 25 countries and takes in the regional telecommunication service all around the globe. As of 2019, the net revenue earned by the company was 43.66 billion Euros. It has an approximate 52.5 billion euro as the market capitalization and is the eighth largest company in the country.
Ethical challenges faced by Vodafone
The Vodafone faced the challenge of environmental pollution in recent times. It was reported that the battery used by the Vodafone is polluting the environment and is also having a critical effect on the market. This was an issue of greater magnitude in the form that the ethical standards of a big company such as Vodafone were in question. A lot was at stake for the company and though the mistake was from the suppliers’ end, it had been supplying batteries below standard.
There have been many issues surrounding the faulty battery in use. The most important mistake made by the company is not having proper control over its supply chain. If the company would have tested the battery and checked for the authenticity of the battery, such risk would have been avoided. The incident took a hit on the sales of the company. There were employees put to question their inability to find the mistake in the system and report to the company. Being a very sensitive issue for the company who has been growing over its ethical value, Vodafone has been very effective in creating value for itself in the market. Moreover, the operation process makes it easy for the company to gain the confidence of the customers (Laliberté, Williams–Jones, Feldman & Hunt, 2017). The company assigned an active employee to take the control of the situation and maintain the quality of the supplies that come to the company. There were vigorous tests done and actions taken against suppliers for not maintaining the prescribed guidelines and creating equipments below standard.
The major objective is resolving the issue and to create greater control over their supply chain. A supply chain management system can create a long-lasting effect on the company, so that the overlapping management skills are avoided. This may avoid such damage to the company's image in particular. There have been measures that have been taken. Additional strategies are required to be implemented to change several issues within the company's recent performance in the ethical standard. Therefore, various authenticities of the products and service delivery by the company in the market improve.
Issues in ethical challenge
Maintaining a proper standard of ethics in the operating system is vital for the company. Therefore, there are several parameters that the company should keep in mind while operating in the real-world environment. The important thing for companies operating in different countries is to understand the ethical standard for each country. This ensures that the way of working should also be different in these countries.
For companies like Vodafone which is a multinational company, it is necessary for them to review the standards of working conditions and the ethics of the operating system in place. This is implemented so that it matches with the regional rules, regulations and ethical considerations. There must be a good plan and well-designed system that would help in the smooth operation of business keeping in mind the regional law and acceptable standards (Wilson, Kenny & Dickson-Swift, 2018). This is required to be followed by the proper working conditions of the employees and the facilities needed should be provided from the company's end to the employees. Further, good leadership along with setting ethics for the company and the employees shall be considered a top priority for the company.
The other thing is the compensation of the employees. It shall be considered unethical if the company compensates the employee above or below the standard they deserve. It is very crucial so that the company must understand while implementing such policies; it is considered that employees with higher motivation level work better for the company. It is also to be noted that there is an...

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