IndividualAssignment AssignmentOverview The individual assignment is an ArticleAnalysispaperwritten in the form ofareport. Theprimarypurpose of the assignment is to develop yourcritical thinking...

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The individual assignment is an ArticleAnalysispaperwritten in the form ofareport. Theprimarypurpose of the assignment is to develop yourcritical thinking skills. A secondary purpose is to develop your skills in reading and understanding academic journal articles.


In approximately Week 3, your workshop facilitator or subject coordinatorwill provide a list ofrecent academicjournal articles. Selectoneof the articles provided by the workshop facilitator, and then use the library databases and search enginesto findtwoadditional journal articlespublishedon the same topic. The articles you findmust abide by these guidelines:

1.The articles must have been published between 2010 and present;2.The articles mustbe selected from the following list of journals**:

*Journal of Organizational Behavior

*Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

*Journal of Applied Psychology

Academy of Management Journal

British Journal of Management

Human Relations

Journal of Management

Leadership Quarterly

Personnel Psychology.

*It is recommended that you start your search within one of the journals marked with an*. These journals principally publish topicsin organisational behaviour.

**Note: These are the exact names of the acceptable journals. Click on the journal name to go to the online library access page (La Trobe sign in may be required).

Read eacharticle thoroughly, payingparticular attention to the introduction, literature review, and discussion sections. You can skim themethods andresultssections. You will use this information to analyse and compare and contrast the articles.The individualassignment should be written in a neat, professional and engaging manner usingreportformat,meaning that you need to developcoherent, well-supported and logical argumentsfollowing a basic report structure.A concise guide for writing reports in business school is provided here:

Thefinalassignmentshouldinclude the following elements:

•Title page(not included in word count)oStudent NameoStudentID numberoAssignment Title: Assessment 2, Individual AssignmentoSubject code/nameoWorkshop timeoWorkshop facilitator nameoDue date•Feedbackresponseform (not included in word count)oComplete theform on the LMS•Table of contents (optionaland not included in word count)•List of figures/tables (optionaland not included in word count)•IntroductionoTry to write something engaging to capture the reader’s interest.oClearly identify the topic that ties the three articles together (e.g., motivation, organisational citizenship, etc.).oInclude a brief overview of the assignment and how it is organised.•Article summaryoBriefly summarise the articles.Focus on describing the key conceptsand main pointsfrom each article (e.g., the theoretical concepts).oUse in-text citations throughout your report to identify the articles. Refer toResearchand References.•Article analysis – Analyse each articleoIdentify and discuss the key strengths and weaknesses of thearticles.oFor example,based on what the authors have written in the article, doesthe theoryappear to besound and is there prior research supporting it? Do thehypotheses or research questions make sensebased on the theory?Do the authors overgeneralise their findings or base their conclusions on faulty assumptions?Was the research worthwhile (e.g., worth the time, money, effort)? Do the research findings matter, and can the research be applied in real work settings? What further research questions does the research trigger? Etc.oNote, you need to actually explain your reasoning for why you think something is a strength or weakness.•Articlecomparison– Analyse the similaritiesand differencesacross the articlesoIdentify and discuss the key similaritiesamong thearticles.oIdentify and discuss the keydifferencesamong thearticles.•DiscussionoBased on the above analysis, what can you concludeabout the topic?Don’t just re-state the authors’ conclusions from each article; draw your own conclusions based on all three articles.oBased on the above analysis, whatspecificrecommendations can you make for managers or organisations?Aim for 2 to 4clear and concise recommendations.▪Don’t just re-state the authors’ recommendations from each article; develop your own recommendations based on all three articles.▪If it isn’t possible to make any recommendations (e.g., all the articles were severely flawed), explain your reasoning.•References(not included in word count)oInclude the full reference information forthe three articlescited in your report.•Appendix– Article copy (not included in word count)oInclude a copy of yourof the first page of each articleas an appendix at theendof your report.oThe title of the journal, year of publication, author names, article title, and abstract should all be clear and legible.•Note that the title page, table of contents, list of illustrations/tables, references, and appendices are not included in the2000word count.

Submission Guidelines

Please refer to the LMS for specific due dates and the assessment submission linkfor the draft and final assignment.

Researchand References

Citeall sourcesin the main text of the documentand include a separate reference page at theend of the document. The in-text citations and references should be formatted usingeither the current versionofthe Harvard style orAPA 6thedition. Refer to the tips on applying these styles in the Assessments module of this LMS site.

In the main body of the report, use in-text citations to identify the articles and the source of your ideas. In APA and Harvard style, this means you should provide the author surnames and the year of publication when discussing something from that article. For example, ‘Smith and Jackson (1997) argued that Concept X …’ or ‘Concept X can be defined as … (Smith and Jackson, 1997)’.

Note that you should only be using the three articles as references. Refer to the guidelines above for selecting your articles.


•Focus your discussionand analysison the key concepts and theories in the articles.•Focus your discussion and analysis on the information contained in the three articles, and only the three articles.•You can skim the methods and results sectionsfor each article, especially for highly complex statistical analysis.Teaching staff understand that these sections are often complex and difficult to understand, and they will not expect detailed analysis of these sections.Theparagraphs just before the Methods section will usually give a brief overview of how the study or studies were conducted, and the firstfew paragraphs of the Discussion section will usually give you a brief summary ofthe results.•Use in-text citations throughout your report. Refer toResearchand References.Do not refer to Article 1, Article 2, etc., as this can easily become confusing.•Ask for help if you are unsure about what to do.•Additional tips will be posted on the LMS and in the Assessment Q&A forum.
Answered Same DaySep 15, 2019

Answer To: IndividualAssignment AssignmentOverview The individual assignment is an ArticleAnalysispaperwritten...

David answered on Nov 25 2019
148 Votes
Running Head: Journal of Organizational Behaviour    9
Name of the student
Professor’s name
Assignment on Journal of Organizational Behaviour
University name
September 16, 2017
Organizational behaviour is defined as the study of individual as well as group of people whose performance and activity within the organization is observed carefully. This concept helps in examining behaviour of humans in the work territory and the effect th
at such behaviour brings on the job performance, communication, leadership, motivation, etc. This journal report here involves three major articles that discuss about organizational behaviour and its impact on the workplace. The articles showcase role of employee involvement in diversity and organizational innovation, study and research on the managers, employees’ and teams as well as effect of positive organizational behaviour of the staff on organizational performance. Organizational behaviour comprises of nearly two perspectives; one is internal that understands a person’s thoughts, feelings and personal values and another perspective is external is all about administrative behaviour and its impacts (Lombardo, 2017).
Article summary
The journal article on diversity and organizational innovation-role of employee involvement studies the impact of workplace diversity and employee involvement on organizational innovation. A study sample of 182 large Canadian organizations has been taken to study and analyse in this report. This study was conducted using certain hypothesis which resulted in higher involvement amongst racial minorities. It implied that high level of employment among members of the racial community encouraged innovative ideas of employee awakening in the organization. It has been derived that when white employees involve themselves in organizational operations then it results in an invitation to more people so that they too can join in the organization’s operations and activities. The idea of racio-ethnic minority group eliminates in this case and no racial discrimination is done when it comes to high level of employee involvement (Yang & M.Konrad, 2011).
The journal article on organizational behaviour: a study on managers, employees and teams focuses on understanding what factors are responsible for the resultant team outcomes that are impact of rapid changes in the current work scenario such as technological advancements and diversity in organization. A total of 200 employees were taken for sample study and resultant was that female employees had made more contribution to the organizational outcome than male employees. Sample study of 100 managers were also conducted to help analyse the comprehensive study that would showcase the different perspectives with which managers and employees work. In this study, managers, professionals belonging to human resources department and researchers were taken as sample participants (A. Kaifi & A. Noori, 2011).
The journal article on the effect of positive original behaviour of the staff on organizational performance discusses about the relation of positive organizational behaviour with that of operational performance in the organizations of Behbahan city. It was a sample study of 265 government employees belonging to this region that helped the authors in concluding that positive organizational behaviour, i.e; self-confidence, optimistic behaviour and resilience in employees has a positive relation with organizational operations. All these outcomes were directly proportional to the positive organizational behaviour that humans feel when they are a part of the organization. Therefore, when an employee’s self-confidence, optimism and resilience increased, it ultimately leads to better performance of the employees in the organization (Memari, Valikhani, Aghababee & Mehdi Davali, 2013).
Article analysis
The article on diversity and organizational innovation-role of employee involvement focuses mainly on how involvement of employee practice improves their knowledge, skills and abilities to encourage decision making ability of the employees and motivating them so that they can be cordial with positive organizational performance. I could understand on reading this article thoroughly, that when employees are involved in any organizational activity there is presence of diversity management area that accomplishes organizational practices and thus facilitate intergroup communications and relations (Yang & M.Konrad, 2011).. This article also imposes on a...

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