Indicate your perceived strengths in exhibiting the five key and five helping behaviors using the following technique. First, notice the number assigned to each of the key behaviors: 1. lesson clarity...

Indicate your perceived strengths in exhibiting the five key and five helping behaviors using the following technique. First, notice the number assigned to each of the key behaviors:

1. lesson clarity

2. instructional variety

3. teacher task orientation

4. student engagement in the learning process

5. student success rate

Now, for each of the following ten choices, circle the number representing the key behavior in which you perceive yourself to have the greater strength:

1 versus 2

1 versus 3

1 versus 4

1 versus 5

2 versus 3

2 versus 4

2 versus 5

3 versus 4

3 versus 5

4 versus 5

Count how many times you circled a 1, how many times you circled a 2, and so on, and write the frequencies on the following lines:

______ 1

______ 2

______ 3

______ 4

______ 5

Your perceived greatest strength is the key behavior that has the highest frequency. Your perceived weakest strength is the key behavior with the lowest frequency.

May 19, 2022

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