#include using namespace std; class Account { public: int accno; string name; static int count; Account(int accno, string name) { ........................... ..............................

using namespace std;
class Account {
int accno;
string name;
static int count;
Account(int accno, string name)
void display()

int Account::count=0;

int main(void) {
//creating an object of Account named a1, whose name is Nominal and its ID is 201

//creating an object of Account named a2, whose name is Personal and its ID is 202

//creating an object of Account named a3, whose name is Real and its ID is 203

//Display the contents of Nominal account

//Display the contents of Personal account

//Display the contents of Personal account

cout<"total objects="" are:=""><>
return 0;

Complete the following C++ program to create new accounts. Note that static usage.<br>For example:<br>Result<br>201 Nominal<br>202 Personal<br>2<br>203 Real<br>3<br>Total Objects are: 3<br>

Extracted text: Complete the following C++ program to create new accounts. Note that static usage. For example: Result 201 Nominal 202 Personal 2 203 Real 3 Total Objects are: 3

Jun 10, 2022

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