#include int main() { //assign initial value //from where we want to print the numbers int i = 1; //variable to store limit /N int n = 10; //print statement printf("Even Numbers from 1 to 10 \n");...

"In this program transform into loop."

#include <stdio.h><br>int main()<br>{<br>//assign initial value<br>//from where we want to print the numbers<br>int i = 1;<br>//variable to store limit /N<br>int n = 10;<br>//print statement<br>printf(

Extracted text: #include int main() { //assign initial value //from where we want to print the numbers int i = 1; //variable to store limit /N int n = 10; //print statement printf("Even Numbers from 1 to 10 \n"); /while loop, that will print numbers while(i <= n)="" {="" here="" is="" the="" condition="" to="" check="" even="" number="" if(i%2="=0)" printf("%d="" ",i);="" increasing="" loop="" counter="" by="" 1="" i++;="" }="" return="" 0;="">

Jun 08, 2022

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