In your analysis, comment how laws have developed over time and on the general effect of these laws on students and on school.
Begin your entry with brief discussion of how Brown v Board of education in 1954 affected eventual laws and practice with regard to students with disabilities.
Answer the Laws part only
Prince George's Community College Prince George's Community College Field Experience Guide to accompany Introduction to Special Education this workbook is the property of: Janice L. Wright, Ph.D. in collaboration with Robert J. Esposito, M.Ed. Table of Contents -Purpose -Contact Information Glossary (The glossary, placed early in the workbook to remind you of its presence, should be used throughout the semester and turned in with the final product.) Laws Specific Special Circumstances ♀Children with specific learning disabilities ♀Children with developmental disabilities ♀ Children with emotional and behavior disorders ♀Children with communication disorders in speech and language ♀Children with autism spectrum disorders ♀Children who are gifted and talented ♀Children who are deaf or hard of hearing ♀Children with visual impairments ♀Children with physical disabilities and health impairments ♀Children whose first language is not English ♀Children who are socially or economically disadvantaged Planning -Physical, learning, and social environments -Lesson Plans -Planning Specific to Learners with Special Needs Instruction -Establishing classroom climate -Setting standards -Matching instructional methods to student abilities -Use of groups -Homework Assessment -Planned observations of a student with special needs -Construction and use of IEPs -Planning and Evaluating IEP meetings -Classroom grading and report cards Educational Adaptations -School resources for students with special needs Resources -Parents -Internet resources, texts, articles, other helpful sources Overall Reflections Purpose The purpose of this Field Experience Workbook is to help structure and enrich the field-based experiences of education students. This workbook and the course in which it is used were developed for students currently or previously enrolled in PGCC's course TED 2300: Introduction to Special Education. During their semester long field-based experience, students will use the structured observations in this Field Experience Workbook to emphasize concepts, topics, or issues relevant in a real-world setting to the education of students with special needs. The assignments in the workbook require a synthesis of "book learning" with analysis of what is actually taking place in schools. Reflection upon what is seen, beyond simple reporting, is an important component of developing the critical analytical skills requisite for highly qualified teachers. Because of the particular requirements for the Field Experience in Special Education, selection of an appropriate school in which to do observations is critical. Students may complete their observations in any public school (remembering to focus at the level at which they will seek certification) including "Level V" facilities, which are open exclusively to students with special needs. Level V facilities would be especially instructive for students who know they want to be certified in special education; for students who will be "general" classroom teachers, or who will be content teachers in middle or high schools, a "regular" school setting would be more appropriate. A combination of "regular" and "special" settings is also acceptable. Except with special permission from the instructor, private schools, including parochial schools, will not be appropriate placements for the Field Work in Special Education. The content of this workbook reflects outcomes specified by the Maryland Association of Directors of Teacher Education at Community Colleges and approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission. Contact Information: Name of School: School Address: Contact Person: Telephone Number: Mentor Teacher: Subject taught/age range: Enter here the log of visits. The total should be at least 15 hours in a school or schools at the level (elementary, middle, high) at which you want to be certified Dates and times of visits: I certify that the entries above correctly reflect the dates and times of my school observations for Field Work in Special Education. ___________________________________ (your signature) I certify that the student named above observed in my classroom during the times listed. ____________________________________ (mentor teacher's signature) TED 2301 Field Work: Introduction to Special Education Documentation of field observations School: ___________________________________________ Dates and times of observations: I attest that the student observed during the times specified above, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for field work credits. ________________________________________ (signature of PGCC student) __________________________________________ ____________________ (signature of school contact person) (contact person’s phone) The school contact person can be the classroom teacher, the special education coordinator, or the principal, as the school personnel deem appropriate. PRINCE GEORGE’S COMMUNITY COLLEGE TED 2301: Field Work to Accompany Intro. to Special Education Student Evaluation STUDENT: ___________________________ TEACHER Rater: __________________________ School:___________________ Grade/Subject:_________________ Semester: _________ Assessment: Students should exhibit satisfactory performance on each dimension specified below. Satisfactory performance requires a minimum rating of 2. Your written comments will provide concrete, specific feedback for students. (If you had no chance to observe a behavior, please mark N/A.) RATINGS Low Satisfactory High N/A Category I: PROFESSIONALISM Prompt and regular attendance, 1 2 3 notifies school about absences Dresses appropriately, wears clothes 1 2 3 appropriate to scheduled activity Shows appropriate attention to 1 2 3 interpersonal boundaries Comments: Category II: COMMUNICATION SKILLS Interacts appropriately with 1 2 3 teachers and other professionals Interacts appropriately with 1 2 3 students; has good rapport Interacts appropriately with 1 2 3 parents Comments: Category III: FLEXIBILITY Appears open to ideas and activities 1 2 3 Appears open to individuals 1 2 3 Deals appropriately with unanticipated 1