In Young's experiment, the wavelength of monochromatic light used is 6000 A. U. The optical path difference between the rays from the two coherent sources at point Pon "the screen is 0.0075 mm and at...

In Young's experiment, the wavelength<br>of monochromatic light used is 6000 A. U. The<br>optical path difference between the rays from<br>the two coherent sources at point Pon

Extracted text: In Young's experiment, the wavelength of monochromatic light used is 6000 A. U. The optical path difference between the rays from the two coherent sources at point Pon "the screen is 0.0075 mm and at a point Q on the screen is. 0.0015 mm. How many bright and dark. bands are observed between the two points P and Q? (points P and Q are on the opposite sides of central bright band).

Jun 10, 2022

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