In "When { Woke Up Tuesctiy Morning, lt Was Friday,'' Martha Stout desc1ibes fom1s of "djvided'' or "dissociated" consciousness that are produced by severely craumatic events. One of Scout's patients, whom she calls "Julia," becomes so dissociated from rhe here and now chat whole days never get recorded in Julia's memo1y. After rereading Stout's analysis of dissociation, decide whether or not the form of meditation that Thurman describes might help someone like Julia. ls it possible that meditation as Thumian describes it could actuaJJy produce dissociation in healthy people? What aspects of meditation might be most helpful to people like Julia? Is it possible that dissociation is actually more widespread than most people even realize? ls trauma really necessary co produce severely divided consciousness, or do certain features of contemporary life help co produce it-television, commercial radio, video games, and movies?
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