In this project, you will first analyze a reading in order to develop an a theory on literacy in order to sell an idea or product connected to literacy/reading. *****I HAVE DONE THIS ALREADY. I HAVE ATTACHED THE READING AND MY ANALYSIS AS FILES*****on your own, you will produce a “brief” to accompany and individual advertisement. The brief should summarize your findings on literacy/reading and also “pitch” your different ads. We know that advertisements try to “sell” a product. You will be selling an idea - that you find important -- in the reading you are assigned. (The articles cover many ideas, but foremost among them are literacy, multilingualism, or certain ideas related to language.) Therefore, you will sell literacy. How you sell it is up to you!
Five elements of a creative brief are: the product, the business, the market, the customers, and the campaign. And here are some tips:
When it's wrapped up, the creative brief doesn't look like much.
It's at most 2 pages long. A good one will usually be free of jargon and marketer-speak. Many will also be visual.
The effort that goes into creating this simple document, however, is immense.
You have to have an acute understanding of the brand, the product, its target audience, and the message.
What is the product? A message about literacy/multilingualism/reading that you were assigned. You are just selling an idea (of your choosing, from the reading you were assigned). You are not creating a product. You are not inventing a company. You’re just selling an idea. How you sell it is up to you.
What is the business? Same as above
What is the market? College students, more specifically, some segment of the student population that you are a part of. Feel free to narrow or broaden as your feel appropriate.
Who are the customers? Same as above.
What is the campaign? This is your creation.
Rubric (out of 7 points):
____The advertisement presents an idea clearly from the reading.
______ The advertisement + brief employ Rhetorical Situations - an attention to purpose, audience, stance, genre, and media/design.
_____ The advertisement + brief uses Design Concepts.
______ The advertisement + brief uses Design Principles and/or Gestalt Principles.
____In the brief, you start off with an APA style reference (in the brief).
______ The brief includes a coherent brand statement, project background, target audience, advertising objective, and consumer message. Examples of these are in the linked examples.
______There might be grammatical mistakes or sentence-level issues, but the general meaning is clear (to me + to peers). The tone is appropriate for the intended audience.
******IMPORTANT LINKS********