In this problem, we test a mixed monadic/dyadic hypothesis for the same Campnet network but this time using QAP. In UCINET got to Data|Attribute to matrix, enter the campattr file and create a matrix...

In this problem, we test a mixed monadic/dyadic hypothesis for the same Campnet network but this time using QAP. In UCINET got to Data|Attribute to matrix, enter the campattr file and create a matrix of exact matches among the actors in Campnet based on Gender. The default name given to the file by UCINET will be “campattrsameGender”. What does the resulting output matrix show? Now go to Tools|Testing Hypotheses|Dyadic (QAP)|MR-QAP Linear Regression|Double-Dekker Semi-Partialling MRQAP to regress the Campnet network (dependent variable) on this new matrix of gender similarity (independent variable), campattr-sameGender. What do the results show?

May 19, 2022

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