In this HW we will use Chi-square test of independence to determine whether a student’sdestination (to Langara or other location) is associated with the mode of transportation they use(Bike/Walk, Car,...

In this HW we will use Chi-square test of independence to determine whether a student’s

destination (to Langara or other location) is associated with the mode of transportation they use

(Bike/Walk, Car, Transit)


Obtain the Contingency Table of Destination (as the row variable) by Mode of

Transportation (as the column variable). Be sure to relabel the row and columns, and remove the

“blank” category from each variable. Include the contingency table in terms of both frequency

(by setting “Show Data As = No calculation”) and in terms of row percent (by setting “Show

Data As = %

of Row Total). See the instructions in “Excel Manual for Descriptive Statistics” for

“Making Two-way Pivot Table” and “Making Side-by-Side Bar Chart.” Include the three outputs

in your HW. [5



Describe the pattern of association in the sample. How is a student’s destination associated

with their choice of mode of transportation? [4



Produce the Table of Expected Frequencies. And calculate the



Statistic. See “Excel Manual

for Chi-square Test” [3



Assuming that these 272 trips are representative of all trips made by all Langara students,

what generalization can we make about the association between mode of transportation and

destination? Explain your answer. [3 marks]

STAT 1181 STAT 1123 HW3: Chi-square Test of Independence Data file: Trips 2.csv Distribution of Marks Question 1 2 3 4 Total Marks 5 4 3 3 /15 Instructions: • Hand in your HW on paper, with relevant outputs (printed or copy/pasted) attached to each question. HW is due at the beginning of class on the due date. • You can do this HW in pairs. If you do so, hand in only one paper with both your names. In this HW we will use Chi-square test of independence to determine whether a student’s destination (to Langara or other location) is associated with the mode of transportation they use (Bike/Walk, Car, Transit) 1. Obtain the Contingency Table of Destination (as the row variable) by Mode of Transportation (as the column variable). Be sure to relabel the row and columns, and remove the “blank” category from each variable. Include the contingency table in terms of both frequency (by setting “Show Data As = No calculation”) and in terms of row percent (by setting “Show Data As = % of Row Total). See the instructions in “Excel Manual for Descriptive Statistics” for “Making Two-way Pivot Table” and “Making Side-by-Side Bar Chart.” Include the three outputs in your HW. [5 marks] 2. Describe the pattern of association in the sample. How is a student’s destination associated with their choice of mode of transportation? [4 marks] 3. Produce the Table of Expected Frequencies. And calculate the χ2 Statistic. See “Excel Manual for Chi-square Test” [3 marks] 4. Assuming that these 272 trips are representative of all trips made by all Langara students, what generalization can we make about the association between mode of transportation and destination? Explain your answer. [3 marks]
Mar 02, 2023

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