In this Data Analysis Homework assignment, you will practice the skills you have reviewed in this course so far including the review readings and videos. You will find your SPSS data file on the main...

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In this Data Analysis Homework assignment, you will practice the skills you have reviewed in this course so far including the review readings and videos.

You will find your SPSS data file on the main content page.

  1. After you've downloaded the SPSS data file:Data Analysis_1.sav

  2. Identify the four variables present in the data set: (1) Participant, (2) Personality_1, (3) Personality_2, and (4) Personality_3

    • • Participant: A number assigned to each of the 100 participants in this sample

      • Personality 1 — 3: These scores reflect outcomes from three different Personality Assessments

  3. Determine the measures of Central Tendency on all three outcomes (Personality 1-3).

    • • Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode

  4. Determine the measures of Variability on all three outcomes (Personality 1-3).

    • • Measures of Variability: Range, Variance, Standard Deviation

  5. Identify any outliers by transforming the variables to z scores

    • • Then determining those scores are significantly different from the rest of the sample

  6. Perform a correlation analysis between the three Personality outcomes.

    • • Create a correlation matrix to display your findings

  7. Assume that Personality 1 and Personality 2 are both predictors of Personality 3.

    • • Conduct a regression analysis

      • Determine the proportion of variance in Personality 3 accounted for by the variation in Personality 1 and Personality 2.

  8. Write the results of your analysis in an APA style paragraph that includes appropriate notation.

Answered Same DayMay 23, 2021

Answer To: In this Data Analysis Homework assignment, you will practice the skills you have reviewed in this...

Atreye answered on May 24 2021
155 Votes
1. The file is imported into SPSS using the following steps:
· Go to File-Open-Data.
· Choose the required file.
· Click Open.
In “variable View”, we can view the four variable
3. To calculate mean, median and mode, follow the steps:
· Go to Analyze-Descriptive Statistics-Frequencies.
· In variable(s) choose the three variables.- Personality_1, Personality_2, Personality_3.
· In Statistics Check Mean, Median, Mode. Click Continue.
· Click Ok.
Output obtained from SPSS.
The mean for the three variables Personality_1, Personality_2 and Personality_2 is 49.8000, 41.1600 and 40.2700 respectively.
The median for the three variables Personality_1, Personality_2 and Personality_2 is 49, 40 and 40.5000 respectively.
The mode for the three variables Personality_1, Personality_2 and Personality_2 is 55, 27 and 43 respectively
4. To calculate range, standard deviation and variance, follow the steps:
· Go to Analyze-Descriptive Statistics-Frequencies.
· In variable(s) choose the three variables.- Personality_1, Personality_2, Personality_3.
· In Statistics Check Range, Std Deviation and Variance. Click Continue.
· Click Ok.
Output obtained from SPSS.
The range for the three variables Personality_1, Personality_2 and Personality_2 is 40, 43 and 46 respectively.
The variance for the three variables Personality_1, Personality_2 and Personality_2 is 103.737, 111.833 and 83.532 respectively.
The standard deviation for the three variables Personality_1, Personality_2 and Personality_2 is 10.18515, 10.57510 and 9.13961 respectively
5. To compute the z-scores follow the steps:
· Go to Analyze-Descriptive Statistics-Descriptives.
· In variable(s) choose the three variables.- Personality_1, Personality_2, Personality_3.
· Check save standardized values as varibles.
· Click Ok.
Part of the output obtained as...

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