in the spaces provided below each of the 5. [C++: Program Outpu. following programs, write only one of the following in order to indicate how the program performs: • The phrase "Does not compile"...

in the spaces provided below each of the<br>5. [C++: Program Outpu.<br>following programs, write only one of the following in order to indicate how the program<br>performs:<br>• The phrase
1) return 1.0 + 1.0 / phi (n-1); return 1; } int main() { double answer; double i; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 5;="" i++)="" {="" answer="phi(i);" cout="" «="" i="" «="" "="" iterations,="" phi="" is:="" "="" «="" answer="">< end%;="" }="" return="" 0;="" }="" "/="">
Extracted text: in the spaces provided below each of the 5. [C++: Program Outpu. following programs, write only one of the following in order to indicate how the program performs: • The phrase "Does not compile" indicating the program will never compile. • The phrase "Won't finish" indicating that the program will enter an infinite loop, crash, and/or somehow not finish properly. • The terminal output of the program when run using underscores to denote any spaces (i.e. Assume that all necessary scaffolding is included and that no compiler flags (e.g. -Wall or -Werror) are used. (a) double phi(int n) { if (n > 1) return 1.0 + 1.0 / phi (n-1); return 1; } int main() { double answer; double i; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 5;="" i++)="" {="" answer="phi(i);" cout="" «="" i="" «="" "="" iterations,="" phi="" is:="" "="" «="" answer="">< end%;="" }="" return="" 0;="">

Jun 09, 2022

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