In the space provided, write the correct answer choice. 1. Horns blow in different keys and tones; (a) e.g., (b) i.e., American car horns beep in the tone of F. 2. Mosquito sprays block the mosquito’s...

In the space provided, write the correct answer choice.

1. Horns blow in different keys and tones; (a) e.g., (b) i.e., American car horns beep in the tone of F.

2. Mosquito sprays block the mosquito’s sensors so that the mosquitoes don’t know you are there; (a) e.g., (b) i.e., the sprays hide you.

3. We have (a) alot, (b) allot, (c) a lot of work to do before the end of the day.

4. Winning both Boeing contracts (a) is, (b) are important because the contracts will generate $57 million in revenues.

5. A group of photographers (a) was, (b) were waiting outside the building when we made the  announcement.

6. None of the tourists (a) was, (b) were dressed appropriately to enter the temple.

7. None of the building (a) is, (b) are accessible to nonemployees.

8. There (a) was, (b) were a few team members still not in agreement.

9. Paul is (a) anxious, (b) eager for his upcoming vacation to Bermuda.

10. Marta is (a) anxious, (b) eager about the upcoming exam because she didn’t study for it.

May 19, 2022

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