In the last few classes, we have developed ways to find areas for a variety of geometric figures. Using geoboards, dot paper, rulers and scissors, you found areas of squares, rectangles, other...

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In the last few classes, we have developed ways to find areas for a variety of geometric figures. Using geoboards, dot paper, rulers and scissors, you found areas of squares, rectangles, other parallelograms, trapezoids, triangles, and circles. In this CAP, write a short reference paper on finding areas of these figures. Describe for a reader who was not in class how you developed these formulas and what they mean. In addition, describe how the formulas relate to each other. Make the case to the reader that the only formula that someone needs to know in order to find the area of any one of these figures is: Area = base times height. In your narrative, be sure to explain (briefly) the meaning of each of the terms or concepts you employ; do not assume that the reader will know. In addition, provide diagrams and a few examples to illustrate your points.

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CAP #3 In the last few classes, we have developed ways to find areas for a variety of geometric figures. Using geoboards, dot paper, rulers and scissors, you found areas of squares, rectangles, other parallelograms, trapezoids, triangles, and circles. In this CAP, write a short reference paper on finding areas of these figures. Describe for a reader who was not in class how you developed these formulas and what they mean. In addition, describe how the formulas relate to each other. Make the case to the reader that the only formula that someone needs to know in order to find the area of any one of these figures is: Area = base times height. In your narrative, be sure to explain (briefly) the meaning of each of the terms or concepts you employ; do not assume that the reader will know. In addition, provide diagrams and a few examples to illustrate your points.

Answered Same DayDec 26, 2021

Answer To: In the last few classes, we have developed ways to find areas for a variety of geometric figures....

Robert answered on Dec 26 2021
123 Votes
Ans. 1
The term Area, always relates to the two dimensional. In the same way we consider
the volume with reference to th
e three dimensions. There is also a term inserted in to
this study to understand it, the shaded area. A line, a point does not occupy any
amount of area but two connected lines always occupied some area.
Area is the numerical value of the shape in mathematics that how much shaded
portion is covered by that diagram.

Consider the above two images, in which first image is a line which have zero shaded area,
and in the second image there is two adjacent lines CD and DE which have the shaded area.
The shaded area is represented by the red lines.
The basic theory for the calculation of the area occupied by the two adjacent lines can
be calculated by multiplying both the lines. If the dimension of the line is m then after
multiply the dimension of the area will be
2m , this concept is valid mostly if the angle
between the lines is
090 and decreases or increase in terms of angle between the line,
For understanding the basic principle of the calculation of the area for any diagram, a
quadrilateral can be taken as the basic diagram. All the other diagrams are sub-part of the...

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