In the following sentences, all punctuation has been omitted. Insert commas, periods, question marks, colons, and exclamation marks. Some words have extra spaces between them so that punctuation may...

In the following sentences, all punctuation has been omitted. Insert commas, periods, question marks, colons, and exclamation marks. Some words have extra spaces between them so that punctuation may be inserted; however, a space does not mean that punctuation is necessary. Use a caret ( ) to indicate each insertion. In the space at the right, indicate the number of punctuation marks you inserted. Consult a reference manual or a dictionary for abbreviation style if necessary.

11. Dan wondered whether he had earned enough units for his A A degree

12. After completing his B A degree at U C L A Ben Lindsay transferred to M I T and began working on his M B A

13. Ms J S Novak has been appointed consultant for educational services to the A F L - C I O

14. Does he often use the abbreviations e g and i e in his e-mail messages

15. Since the funds were earned in the U K I must consult my C P A about paying taxes in the U S A

16. Some users wonder whether the F A Q s on the U S P S Web site are current

17. Has the erroneous charge of $45 95 been removed from my account

18. The guest list includes the following individuals Dr Lyn Clark Ms Frances

Hendricks and Professor Jean Sturgill

19. Lt Gen Maxwell asked whether the U S Census Bureau office will be open until 6 p m

20. Well we did a fantastic job didn’t we

May 19, 2022

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