In the field of psychology, there are a lot of potential career options (including forensic psychology, which is covered in Chapter 15). When it comes to abnormal psychology specifically, there are...

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In the field of psychology, there are a lot of potential career options (including forensic psychology, which is covered in Chapter 15). When it comes to abnormal psychology specifically, there are many different directions you can take with your education and your career.

For this discussion, read Chapter 15 ofAbnormal Psychologyalong with the following career resources:

Careers in Psychology

Psychologists: Occupational Outlook Handbook

About Careers in Abnormal Psychology

Pursuing a Career in Clinical or Counseling Psychology

Then, answer the following questions:

  • What are some careers related to abnormal psychology and their educational requirements? And what sorts of responsibilities might someone in this field take on? If you were to pursue a career related to abnormal psychology, which would you choose and why?

  • What are some of the most important ethical standards adhered to by practicing psychologists in the career that you are most interested in pursuing?

  • If you have any questions or concerns with regard to pursuing a career in abnormal psychology, feel free to ask them now and gain some clarity and support from your instructor and classmates.

In responding to two of your peers, share any issues of ethics they may not have considered. Also, provide them with extra information you may have relating to the career option they selected. Since educational pursuits do take time and money, your input will greatly help inform them in their decision-making process.

Answered Same DayDec 17, 2021

Answer To: In the field of psychology, there are a lot of potential career options (including forensic...

Arunavo answered on Dec 18 2021
155 Votes
Running Head: ACADEMIC WRITING     1

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Discussion    3
References    5
Abnormal psychology is the study of the psychological issues or the disorders that causes the dysfunctional behaviours. Boysen et al. (2016) have discussed that there are a range of job opportunities in this field such as clinical psychology, rehabilitative psychology, psychiatric technician and many more other career options. The bachelors or masters level education in clinical psychology is required.
In the field of abnormal psychology, the responsibilities that can be performed are the diagnosing of mental disorders and the developing the treatment plans. Different kind of therapeutic...

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