In the country of Wakanda, the government have prepared a vaccination plan to vaccinateall citizens. A database is needed to keep track the record of the vaccination to ensure everyone getsfull2 doses of vaccination.
Patients’ record such PatientIC, PatientName and Age will be recorded. Every patient will at least need 1 dose of vaccination. There are currently 5 type of vaccines and each vaccine can be used on anyone above 18years old for now.
Every patient will be sent an appointment date and time for each dose of vaccination and a doctor will administer the dose and the doctor’s name will also be recorded in the database.However,some doctors in the lists may just be there to help but not administering the vaccine.The vaccine name given to each patient will also be recorded in the database.
Many big venues and halls are repurposed as vaccination centreswhere patients will go to get their vaccination. The name and address of the vaccination centrewill also be mentioned in the appointment.
Based on the situation given above, draw a complete Entity Relationship Diagram using the Crow’s Foot notation which includes:
i.All entities and attributes
iii.Connectivity and relationship participation
iv.Primary and foreign keys