Page 1 of 2 Unit BISY3005 Knowledge Management Assessment Type Case Study Report Assessment Number 3 Assessment Weighting Group Report 30% Alignment with Unit and Course Unit Learning Outcome Graduate...

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Page 1 of 2 Unit BISY3005 Knowledge Management Assessment Type Case Study Report Assessment Number 3 Assessment Weighting Group Report 30% Alignment with Unit and Course Unit Learning Outcome Graduate Attributes Assessed ULO 01Illustrate the concepts and principles of Knowledge Management. ULO 02 Demonstrate how knowledge management can contribute to organizational effectiveness. ULO03 identify and critically assess the impacts of poor or ineffective knowledge management for businesses ULO04 Describe and discuss common approaches to knowledge management including capture, conversion, storage, and practical application. ULO05 Explain the interaction of knowledge and the information policies and analyze how knowledge management policies are developed and used in organizations. Communication: The ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with a diverse range of audiences Collaboration The ability to liaise, cooperate and work effectively with others. Research: The ability to conduct thorough, accurate and targeted research. Critical thinking and problem solving: The ability to address and solve problems creatively and in a structured and methodical way Flexibility: The ability to critically assess and evaluate different approaches to issues and problems. Due Date/Time Report + ppt files submission, after session 10, 09/06/2022 via Moodle Turnitin 11:59pm (AEST) Presentation: Session 11 - in class - Tue 14/06/2022 Assessment Description Your research report will: • Identify a business that has recently taken advantage of opportunities related to Knowledge Management Systems from the list contained in the last page of this document. • Write a report of 3,000 words as defined by Word Count in Microsoft Word on the chosen business and inform what type of knowledge management/technology management issue/opportunity is promoted. A word count using Microsoft Word must be included at the end of your report. The word count must NOT include the table of contents and references. • The content of the report must indicate how the researched organization manage their knowledge internally and externally, which are the drawbacks and advantages and how the market responds them. Page 2 of 2 • Quotes from books, articles, the Internet, or any other source may not (in total) comprise more than 10% of the business report and must be correctly referenced in the APA style. Where excessive use of quotes is taken from any sources or where content is deemed not to be original in the case of excessive copying from any sources then a percentage of the marks available will be deducted based on the originality report provided by • Teams of 4-5 persons will be working on the task throughout the semester in order to submit the Report by session 10. ✓ You are required to conduct an audit of the knowledge management system used in a selected enterprise (enterprises table for selection are in the last page of this file). ✓ You will analyse the enterprise’s management information systems and make recommendations including the strengths and weaknesses that were revealed. ✓ Describe how the KMS(s) are used to help the organisation gain a strategic or competitive advantage in the industry. ✓ Describe how the researched organization manage their knowledge internally and externally and how the market responds them. ✓ Describe the organisation and explain the problem or opportunity it faced. ✓ Describe the nature of the Knowledge Management initiative that the organisation implemented including the process by which the initiative was selected. ✓ Explain and analyse any difficulties the organisation may have faced in implementing the KM system. A presentation of your work must be provided in class. • Your report should be a synthesis of ideas researched from a variety of sources and expressed in your own words. It should be written in clear English. Detailed Submission Requirements Submit a soft copy of the report to A3 Report Link on BISY3005 Moodle site at the end of the lecture in session 10 in electronic format as a Word document. Submit a soft copy of the presentation to A3 Report Link on BISY3005 Moodle site at the end of the lecture in session 10 in electronic format as a ppt document. • This electronic file will be checked using Turnitin for any evidence of plagiarism. • You are expected to use references in the APA referencing style ( • A cover sheet should be attached to the assignment report confirming that the work is solely your own • Submission must be 3000 words (not including executive summary, table of contents, tables, figures, or the reference list). • All students must submit the peer evaluation form via relevant Moodle link before the assessment due date • One member of the group must submit the assessment through the Assessment 3 Turnitin link on Moodle site for this unit Page 3 of 2 Group Work • In Week 2, groups are formed by lecturer and a company/organisation will be provided per each group. (Groups can change the company, as far as the chosen one is not already taken) • 4-5 students per group. • In the case where one team member ceases contact and/or contribution to the group work, the group must notify and consult with the Lecturer as soon as possible. • All students will submit a Peer Evaluation for their group members at the end of the assessment to avoid mark deductions. • The Peer Evaluation Form can be accessed in the Assessment 3 folder on the Moodle page for this unit. Misconduct • The assessment will be submitted through Turnitin via your unit page on Moodle. • Turnitin is plagiarism software, which will identify if you have copied information and included it in your assessment. • Copying information from others (i.e. websites, partner company information, or other students etc.) without the acknowledging the author is classified as misconduct. • Engaging someone else to write any part of your assessment for you outside of the group work arrangement is classified as misconduct. • To avoid being charged with Misconduct, students need to submit their own work and apply APA Style Referencing (ask your lecturer or the learning support coordinator ([email protected]) if you do not know what this means, or you need assistance applying it). • The AIH misconduct policy and procedure can be read on the AIH website ( • Use the AIH referencing guide accessible via Library and Learning Support Page on Moodle. Late Submission • Any assessment submitted past the specific due date and time will be classified as Late. • Any Late submission will be subject to a reduction of the mark allocated for the assessment item by 5% per day (or part thereof) of the total marks available for the assessment item. A ‘day’ for this purpose is defined as any day of the week including weekends. Assignments submitted later than one (1) week after the due date will not be accepted, unless special consideration is approved as per the formal process. Special consideration • Students whose ability to submit or attend an assessment item is affected by sickness, misadventure or other circumstances beyond their control, may be eligible for special consideration. No consideration is given when the condition or event is unrelated to the student's performance in a component of the assessment, or when it is considered not to be serious. mailto:[email protected] Page 4 of 2 Report Marking Criteria You will be marked according to the following criteria, with a final mark out of 30. The purpose of the performance descriptors is as follows: 1. Based on the reading of the entire text, the marker determines if the student meets Communicative Competence. 2. If the task does not meet Communicative Competence, the marker provides feedback to the student based on the descriptors below. The marker refers the student to the Academic Development Office for further support. 3. If the student does meet Communicative Competence, the task can be graded based on academic discourse. Note the task could still earn a failure if it does not address the requirements outlined in the rubric below. To qualify for a pass, you must first demonstrate basic communicative competence as outlined in part 1 below. To then earn a pass or above, you must also meet the academic discourse criteria in part 2 below. Communicative Competence These descriptors represent the fundamental skills for written compositions. Questions to ask yourself: • Are the ideas effectively communicated? (Communicative competence achieved) • Are the ideas difficult to discern? (Communicative competence not achieved) Literacy Feature Quality Sentence structure • Consistent use of correct sentence structure (for example: minimal run-on sentences and minimal sentence fragments). Vocabulary • Consistently appropriate word choices. Spelling • Correct spelling of most common words. • Correct spelling of specialist vocabulary. Punctuation • Predominantly correct use of simple punctuation (full stop, capital letters, commas, question mark, quotations). Grammar • Consistent use of tense appropriate for the type of text required. • Consistent use of subject-verb agreement and noun-pronoun agreement. • Conform to conventions of written English sentence construction. Paragraphing • Ideas are clustered logically. • Paragraphs contain only one theme. • There are a number of sentences that elaborate on the main theme. • Students applying for special consideration must submit the form within 3 days of the due date of the assessment item or exam. • The form can be obtained from the AIH website ( students/student-forms/) or on-campus at Reception. • The request form must be submitted to Student Services. Supporting evidence should be attached. For further information please refer to the Student Assessment Policy and associated Procedure available on ( us/policies-procedures/). Page 5 of 2 Academic Discourse To earn a pass (P), you must meet the following minimum criteria: Literacy Feature Quality
Answered 2 days AfterJun 09, 2022

Answer To: Page 1 of 2 Unit BISY3005 Knowledge Management Assessment Type Case Study Report Assessment Number 3...

Anjali answered on Jun 11 2022
96 Votes
Title Lorem Ipsum
Title Lorem Ipsum
Dolor Sit Amet
Introduction to Dell
Dell was founded by Michael Dell
Total revenue of this company is noted as
$101 billion
Total strength 1,65,000 employees
An enhanced customer learning experience
on-demand class facility
Investment in technology gets maximized
Increase the productivity by reducing the cost of training
Enhanced learning experience to the learners
E-learning platform of Dell
Link :
Developing and learning the skills
leadership development skills
Learning content from the channels like LinkedIn, My learning app, and Edu tube
training of human resources
SWOT analysis
    Strengths    Weakness
    There are so many strengths of implementing the knowledge management system, like learning from home, 24*7 access at any place, flexibility, enhanced knowledge, and a skillful workforce. Customized learning from professionals with professional certificates 
Enhanced brand reputation
Integrating the recruitment with training programs(Phan, Phan & Trieu, 2022)
 Managing the diverse location at a time       Network security, Data breaches, network attacks, and ransomware
Technology dependency
 Compromised quality of education or knowledge
Authenticity of the learner
Lack of input from the trainers
 No face-to-face interaction
 Lack of real-time implementation of the concepts
    Opportunities    Threats
    Greater online presence
Compete with the global market
Create strong hold over the market
  Involved in...

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