***in python only*** use turtle function Define the concentricCircles function such that: It draws a series of concentric circles, where the first parameter specifies the radius of the outermost...

***in python only***

use turtle function

Define the concentricCircles function such that:

  1. It draws a series of concentric circles, where the first parameter specifies the radius of the outermost circle, and the second parameter specifies the number of circles to draw.

  2. The third and fourth parameters specify an outer color and an other color, respectively. The outer color is used for the largest (i.e., outermost) circle, and then every other circle out to the edge alternates between that color and the 'other' color.

  3. The difference between the radii of subsequent circles is always the same, and this difference is also equal to the radius of the smallest circle. Put another way: the distance between the inside and outside of each ring is the same.

Define concentricCircles with 4 parameters

Use def to define concentricCircles with 4 parameters

Use any kind of loop

Within the definition of concentricCircles with 4 parameters, use any kind of loop in at least one place.

Call color

Within the loop within the definition of concentricCircles with 4 parameters, call color or pencolor in at least one place.

Call drawDot

Within the loop within the definition of concentricCircles with 4 parameters, call drawDot in at least one place.

Jun 11, 2022

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