In Python
A single output file named myoutput.txt is provided that is initially empty.
Create a program to prompt the user for an input text file, read each line of the input file, determine if the text on the line is a palindrome, and write "palindrome" or "not a palindrome" to the output file depending on the input. Remember that a palindrome is a word or a phrase that is the same when read both forward and backward. In this program, you need to ignore spaces when determining if a phrase is a palindrome. Examples are: "bob," "sees," or "never odd or even" (ignoring spaces).
You must follow these steps:
- Prompt the user for the filename
- Open the file in "read-only" form.
- Open the myoutput.txt file in "write only" form.
- Write your program so it reads one line at a time, from the file named "myinput.txt".
- Each line should be stripped (that means you need to remove the carriage return by using strip() ).
- Once the line is cleaned up, you need to remove all spaces within the line. (Hint: Use the string replace function).
- After processing the line, check if it is a palindrome. If the line is a palindrome, write "palindrome" to the output file named "myoutput.txt". If it is not a palindrome, write "not a palindrome" to the output file.
- Include a print statement to show to the user what we should have in our output file.
- Repeat steps 4-7 for all lines in the input file.
- Close both input and output files.
Sample Output to the File from the Provided Input File
not a palindrome
not a palindrome
Sample Output to the User from the Provided Input File
bob ==> palindrome
sees ==> palindrome
over the moon ==> not a palindrome
never odd or even ==> palindrome
statistics ==> not a palindrome
dr awkward ==> palindrome