In Part 2, you are expected to run an NPV analysis. You will estimate Brazilian Real Free Cash Flows and Brazilian cost of capital and calculate the net present value of the project to decide whether...

In Part 2, you are expected to run an NPV analysis. You will estimate Brazilian Real Free Cash Flows and Brazilian cost of capital and calculate the net present value of the project to decide whether the project in Brazil is attractive or not. The suggested questions below would guide you through how to approach each step to derive an NPV for the company’s project in Brazil.

Please submit your answers to the Part 2 Questions in Moodle and attach your worksheet in Excel.

Once you complete the analyses, you are required to submit a final report for the case. Write up your analysis as
an executive memo to the major decision-maker
in the case. In addition,
you must
take a position regarding the problem in the case
and make specific recommendations on how to solve it.
Please refer to the detailed case report guidelines below.

Jun 10, 2024

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