In pandemic of COVID-19, GOP (Government Of Pakistan) has decided to vaccinate their citizens to control the spread of virus as well as to control the death rate due to the virus. As a java developer, you are required to develop an application which will keep the records of the vaccinated patients. That application will be used to keep the records as well as to check the specific vaccinated patient.
Record Keeping:
- Patient ID
- Patient Name
- Patient Address
- Covid-19 Effected (Y/N)
You have to create a database in MS Access and add a table in the database. The name of table should be Patient. Patient table will have four attributes i.e. ID, Patient Name, Address and Covid-19 Effected (Y/N).
Checking of record for specific patient:
Now, design a graphical user interface in java as given below.
(See image that i attached to this question)
Your program should perform following tasks:
1. Add new record in database
Whenever a user input some new data in text fields and clicks "Add Patient Record" button, all the text fields' data should be stored in Patient Table.
2. Search a record from database
Whenever a user enters any Patient ID in text field and clicks "Search Patient Record" button, your program should fetch this record from database. If this ID is available in database, then display the record of this ID in the mentioned text fields otherwise show an error message that no such record is available.
Extracted text: Assignment No. 2 of BCXXXXXXXXX Record Keeping: Patient ID: Patient Name : Patient Address: Covid Effected(YIN): Add Patient Record Search Patient Record: Patient ID: Search Patient Record Patient ID: Patient Name: Patient Address: Effected by Virus: