In order to strengthen security, your organization has mandated that employees sign into their computer accounts using a fingerprint reader rather than by entering a username and password as...

In order to strengthen security, your organization has mandated that employees sign into their computer accounts<br>using a fingerprint reader rather than by entering a username and password as previously required. You sliced<br>the finger you were using to sign into your computer over the weekend, and your computer no longer recognizes<br>your fingerprint. You are unable to use your computer as a result of this situation. What are your plans for the<br>future?<br>

Extracted text: In order to strengthen security, your organization has mandated that employees sign into their computer accounts using a fingerprint reader rather than by entering a username and password as previously required. You sliced the finger you were using to sign into your computer over the weekend, and your computer no longer recognizes your fingerprint. You are unable to use your computer as a result of this situation. What are your plans for the future?

Jun 09, 2022

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