In military time, hours are numbered from 00 to 23. Under this system, midnight is 00, 1 a.m. is 01, 12 p.m. is 12, 1 p. m. is 13, and so on. Time in hours and minutes in given as a four-digit number...

In military time, hours are numbered from 00 to 23. Under this system, midnight is 00, 1 a.m. is 01, 12 p.m. is 12, 1 p. m. is 13, and so on. Time in hours and minutes in given as a four-digit number with minutes following hours. For instance, military time 0022 corresponds to 12:22 a.m. regular time, and military time 1200 corresponds to noon regular time. Write a C program that converts from military time to regular time. An example input/output:  Enter a military time (0000 to 2359): 1634 Output: The regular time is 4:34 pm.

1. %2d as the format specifier for scanf can be used to obtain two digits of a number.

2. If the time entered is not in the range of 0000 to 2359, output an error message and abort the program.  Please explain steps on how you came to the conclusion on what functions to use and your thought process while coding this.

May 19, 2022

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