In his book What Price Incentives?, Steven Kelman suggests that from an ethical point of
view, the use of economic incentives (such as emissions charges or emissions trading) in
environmental policy is undesirable. He argues that transforming our mental image of
the environment from a sanctified preserve to a marketable commodity has detrimental
effects not only on our use of the environment, but also on our attitude toward it. His
point is that applying economic incentives to environmental policy weakens and cheapens
our traditional values toward the environment.
a. Consider the effects of economic incentive systems on prices paid by the poor, on
employment, and on the speed of compliance with pollution-control laws—as well
as the Kelman arguments. Are economic incentive systems more or less ethically
justifiable than the traditional regulatory approach?
b. Kelman seems to feel that because emissions allowances automatically prevent
environmental degradation, they are more ethically desirable than emissions charges.
Do you agree? Why or why not?